Page 106 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 106



          Yfu* pms€ p*n€e*t Bmr=s*

          Grammar in use
          1  Look at the headline and photographs.            2 Discuss  these questions.
                                                                 I  How has the world changed since  1973?
          €[ Discuss  these questions.
                                                                 2 What problems do you think Sarah's amnesia
             I  What does  amnesia  mean?
                                                                   caused  Ior
             2  What is the connection  between  the photographs?
                                                                   c  Sarah?
             I  What do you think happened  to the people?
                                                                   r  her family?
          b  nead the article and check vour ideas.
               The forgotten years

              It was 1973 and Sarah  Simms was  a  children  Alexander,  11, and Linda,  difficult since the accident,'he says.
              happy  l9,year,old. She had a nice  9. The u,orld had also changed  'Things have changed a iot. it's hard
             job in a film laboratory,  and in the  dramatically.  What, for example, was  when  a wife and mother thinks  she's
              evenings  she went out with her  a word processot, a microwave or a  still a teenager.'
              boyfriend. She loved dancing,  compact  discl Those  things had not
                                                                             Sarah  and her
              especially to her {avourite pop  been invenred in 1973. Had Brirain  husband
              group,  T. Rex.                realiy had a woman  prime  minister?  Michael  in
                                             And uherc  had all her lavourite pop  1 993
              Then  she rvoke  up in a hospital bed.
                                             stars  gone?
              A man u,as talking to her. He said
              that he was her husband, but she  Doctort say that Sarah'r amnesia  is
              didn't recognize hirn. In fact, she  rare, but they hope that her memory
              didn't like him very much. She  will slowly  return. Her husband
              thought he looked  very old. Some  Michael hopes  so, too. 'Life has been
              other visitors were standing around
              her be,l. too. She Jrdn't recognize  any
              of them except her sister, Sal1y, and
              even  she looked twenty  years  older.
              But that's because  Sally ola.s twenty
             years  older, and so was Sarah.
             Two days  earlier Samh  had been in a
             car crash. The accident had erased
              twenty  years of her memory. It was
             now  1993,  but fol Sarah it was 1973   &,:
             and she was still a teenager.  She'd    ,'.E  &
              foi'gotten the twenty years in
             In those twenty  years Sarah had got
             married.  (ln 1973 she hadn't met her
             husband.) And she'd had two     Sarah  and Michael in. 1971, frill years  before  their marriage.

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