Page 107 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 107
Time 13
Rules Practice
I ftre text uses the past perfect tense. 1 t ook at this list.
a Complete these sentences from the text. a Say whether these things had or hadn't happened
The accident twenty years of to Sarah in 197).
her memory. 't it-r;iii[i ' .r: . hdve arfav6ufit€.pop
She the huenty years in between
see:therBeatles :'gfoup,,.r,rri. ,. -.
In 1973 she her husband
Those things in 1973. , ' finigh,Sihool . .. ,,." ,: r::, ,, :,'hiV6'a,bqyfrienq.
b How do we form the pasl perfect tense? Complete ' heqrd.MiUgaa*ThatCheri rrrleave-:home ': ' ::: ,
the rules. be abroad
We make positive statements with
(shortform: _)+ b ffi l:.f Listen to Sarah and check your answers.
We mal<e negative statements with 2 Complete these sentences. Put the verbs in
_ (short form: _ ) + brackets into the past tense or the past perfect
Find more examples of the past perfect tense in the tense.
story. I Sarah recognize) her husband,
d Look at the two questions. How do we make because in 197) she _(not meet) him.
questions in the past perlect tense? 2 Her hair _(turn) grey and she
2 When do we use the past perfect tense? _(not like) that.
I She _(not know) how to use a
a Look at this sentence.
microwave oven, because they _(not be
Sarah didn't recognize her husband, because she had lost invented) in 197).
her memory.
4 She _(cry) when she Iound out that
The sentence describes two events: her father _(die).
Sarah didn't recognize her husband. 5 Clothes very strange, because
Sarah lost her memory. fashions _(change) a lot.
Answer these questions. 6 She _(not know) that the Cold War
1 Which event happened flrst?
2 Which tense is used for each event? 7 TV programmes more
Complete the ruie with before or after. violent, so she want) to watch
The past perfect tense describes events that -(end).
sad, because the singer of
happened an event in the past tense. 8 She -(become)
T. Rex kilied) in a car crash.
F Check the rules for the past perfect tense in 3 Think of a point in your life when your life
Grammar Reference 13.1. changed.
ExannplEs -(be
* you became a teenager
s you were eighteen
a you started/left school
* you got married
a 1990
Write down
c four things that you hadn't done before then.
o four things that you had done before then.
b Tell your partner, and answer any questions that
your partner asks.
Before I was eighteen, I hadn't been to college, and I
hadn't lived on my own. I had always lived with my
family ...