Page 108 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 108

13 Time

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             Put these words in the correct order from the shortest to      Look at the pictures and the title
             the longest.                                                   of the article.
                                               sercond . t   yaar.       a  Discuss  these questions.
               ClaY":.:, ,. minute ,   de€ade  month'  i'wddk               I  What  is the woman  doing in the
                                                                            2  What do you think she has done?
          2 Write down
                                                                            3  Why did she do it?
             r  the days o[ the week.
                                                                            Read  the first two paragraphs  and
             .  the months  oI the year.
                                                                            check your ideas.
             r  the four seasons.
                                                                         2  What do you think the results of
          3  We say years like this:
                                                                            the experirnent  were?
             1973  nineteen  seventy-three
                                                                         a  Work in groups  and consider  these
             1600 sixteen hundred
             1502  fifteen  oh two
                                                                            o  sleeping   c  emotions
          a  Work with a partner.  Practise saying these years.
                                                                            r  eating     o  sense of time
                                                                         b  Read  the rest of the article and check
              1772 1912 t066 1909 -t800 1980 18I2 1700 t802
                                                                            your ideas.
          b  Write down some more years. Dictate them to your partner.
                                                                         3  Look at ttris list with a partner.
          4  Which prepositions  do we use with time expressions?        a  Which things did she have in the cave?
          a  Put these words and phrases in the correct columns.            Why did or didn't she have them?
                                                                             a.tape r:eeorder  .
             ,therweekerid, ,  .  . .tomoi.r.ow, afteinoon 'r . ten orcloek  .  Easter     a dog ra elock,
             ,ltwo,,dayg  aao  :  :.,p6y,   [lrthdai  "  ,,  :Iacs]day  t. ,':','the  afternoon  a CD player  an English  course food
              7'.15  \l{ednlqdqy,  lT-,r914in9.  ;  :1922,,.,.,wednpsdqy  9,May  playing cards a computer books
              tonight  r,  therscventeenlh  eerllury r:  n€xt,week   I : '.::last:)lear  two mice a window  a telephone
             this.ey,eniing,,,  Chijstmas..gqy ::'  y,estetday." midnight    a wati-h lights.,   ,a  te,leviSJgn  , ,a'radio
              Se-pte11ber.i,  ,  ,  njg,ht.  -  :  :  1A. Jar.ruary:  {h9 ;:!r96Os summer
                                                                         b  Read  the article again and check
                                                                            your ideas.
                  tn           on           at       no preposition
                                                                         4  Answer these questions.
                                                                            I  What happened  to Stefania's body
                                                                            2  What  did the experiment  show?
                                                                            I  In what way do individual body
                                                                               clocks vary?
                                                                         5  Discuss  these questions.
                                                                            I  Would  you like to do what Stefania
          b Which kinds oI time expressions are used with in, on and at?
                                                                              did? Why/why  not?
             Write down your ideas.
                                                                            2 If you did, how would you spend
             Check in Grammar Reference  I1.2.                                your time? What would you
                                                                              like/miss most?
          5 Ask and answer  these questions.
                                                                            I  What patterns does your  body
             I  Which year were you born  in?
                                                                              clock work to? (e.g. When  do you
             2  When's your birthday?
                                                                              naturally wake up/eatlfeel
             I  What time do you usually get up?
                                                                              at your best?)
            4  When  do you normally go on holiday?
                                                                            4 What external and internal stimuli
             5  When did you last go to the cinema?
                                                                              determine these patterns?
             6  When did you last write a letter?
                                                                            5 Do your patterns differ from  those
             7  When did you last make a phone call?
                                                                              of other people  that you live with?
             8  When  are you going  to the hairdresser's?
                                                                              What problems does this cause?
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