Page 111 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 111

Time 13


              Conversation pieces: Arranging  a time           Fr*rnumcf;atimm
              a  Look at these  expressions  from the conversations  -{l-; word Iinking (2)
                 Could you give me some information about ..,?
                 Could  I make an appointment  with ...?
                 Con I chonge my oppointment on ... to ...?      The vowel -u-
                                                                 We usually pronounce  the vowel -u- with one of
                 I wont to leave on .. . and return on ., ,
                 Hove you got ony seots available on ..,?        three sounds.
                                                               a  ffi   f :.-: Look at the table  ancl listen to the
                 l'm afroid .,. is fully booked.
                 There's  o flight atlon ...                     examples.
                 We have  some seots ovoiloble on ...                                 lal          lj:o:l
                 l'm ofraid there's nothing left inltill ...
                                                                       much           put        comDuter
                 Con you come on ...?
              b Who would say each expression?
              c  Reconstruct the conversations  with a partner.  Use
                 the expressions  above and your answers to 2.
              d  Look at tapescript 13.2 and check your answers.

           wa:,-                                  .,,;;;.r*t&t
                                                               b Write these words in the correct  column.
           3  wittr your partner make new conversations
              with this information.                                bus full rnuseum  sun study during cut
                                                                    under music  push up pull brush huge
              I  A Ask for flight times  to Toronto.  Give dates.   bush university  use tune just bull pub
                B Give times.
                A Accept  one of the times.
                                                               c ffi  l;.a Listen and check your ideas.
              2 A Phone  to make  an appointment  with Dr Clark.  d ffi  r:.a Listen  again and repeat.
                B Offer a time and date.
                A You can't make  that. Ask for an alternative.  2 Word linking  (2)
                B Offer two alternative  dates.
                                                                 In Unit 12 we saw that we run a flnal consonant
                A Accept  one date.
                                                                 sound  bnto  a word beginning with a voweI.  Some
              3 A You booked some tickets  for a show, but you   words have  a silent consonant  at the end, especially
                  want to change them.  Give the date.           words ending in -r, -w, and -y.
                B Offer two alternative  dates.
                A Choose one alternative.
                                                                 car lko:(r)l   few lfitt:(w\l   my lrrrar(t)l
              4 A You want to arrange  a meeting with a
                                                                 When  one of these words comes  before a vowel, we
                  colleague.  Suggest  a date.
                                                                 pronounce  the consonant  that is normaily silent and
                B You can't make  it. Suggest  a later date.
                                                                 nrn it on.
                A That's  no good lor you. You're going abroad
                  then. Give the dates.
                B Suggest  a new date.                           My car is blue.  /marko:rrzblu:/
                A Accept.                                        a  few apples   lefj,t:waplzl
                                                                 my arm         lmarjonl
                                                               a Where wiil the extra consonant  be pronounced in
                                                                 these sentences?
                                                                  I  She slept Ior eight hours.
                                                                 2  How old are you?
                                                                 3 We spent our holiday in Spain.
                                                                 4  This is our own house.
                                                                 5  Go and play outside.
                                                                 6 Now it's my turn.
                                                                 7 lt's at the other end.
                                                                 8 He's my unc1e.
                                                               b ffi  r:.:  Llsten  and check.
                  There's  a message coming through   -  it says,  c ffi  r:.:  listen again and repeat.
                         'Sorry,  he's at a meeting'.
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