Page 101 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 101

Planet Earth 12

           3 Read  paragraphs  3-5 more carefully.            5 Imagine it is two weeks  before the fragments
                                                                 of the comet hit the Earth. There are plans  to
           a  Match thc items  in column  A and colutln  B.
                                                                 send missiles into space to destroy the
               First fragment    shock waves                     Work with a partner.  Onc of yotL is a rcportcr and
               Second  fragment  clouds of dust and water        one is an astronomer. Ask and answer  questions
                                  vapour                         aLror-rt
               Effect            tidal wave                      I  wllat is going to happen.
                                                                 &  the plans  1.o destroy  the fragnrents.
           b Look at the events in colurnn B.                    *  what lvill happen if thc plar-r fails.
             What causcs each onc?
                                                              b  Cornpare your ideas with the class.
             What effects does cacl-r have?
                                                              6  Imagine another  disaster,  such as a storm/
             Use ttrc infon-natiorr  above and write sentences  to
             sLrr-nnraLizc paragraphs  3-5.                      an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.
                                                                 Write  a newspapcr  rcport  atrout it, r-rsing Lhis foltnal
           4 Read the flnal paragraph and discuss  these
             questions.                                          Paragraph  I  Descrlbe the scene at thc mornent.
              I  Wl'rat evidence  is given that the events  of 209,1  Paragraph 2  Describe  rn hat happcnccl.
                conld rcalll,  happen?                           Paragraph  3  Describc the actual  and proLraLrle
             2  How clo you feel about the possibility?                       e lfects.
             f  What  could be done to prevent it?
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