Page 104 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 104

12 Planet  Earth

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           'l  Look at the title and pictures.
          a  What worcls would  1,e11  cxpcct to find in an article on this topic?
             Make  a IisL.
             Unclcrline  the topic worcls in the articlc  and compare  them to
             your list. Aclci any ncw lvotds.
          2  Each paragraph has a sentence missing.
          a  Ilcail the article carefu1l1,  ;1r'6 write the number  of each sentence
             in the correct  place.                                                                                f
             I  About  8l%  o1  is r-rsed lor jewcllcry.
             2  Sailors, for exanple, trsed to wcal' a gold eaning.                                            ol:,.,
             3  People  have  alrvays been fascinated by gold.                                     -t::            :
             4  Thc word mrat cornes lrorn lhe Greek  worcl,  keratiorr,  rvhicl'r                                 I I
                rncans a carob scccl.                                                             :
             5  Whcr-r gold  is bought and sold, il isn't usr.rall), moved.                                    =t
          b  Explain how you ciecided  wirere the sentcnccs belong.
          c  IEI  12.5 Lislen to the complctc tcxt ancl cireck your answcrs
          3  Mark these sentences True (/) or False (X).
              I  Twcnty-four carat golil is the most expensivc.   l
              2  Gold is weighed with carob sccds.                l                                  :t:ii.r::i-i:
                                                                                                    .'.  ',  !:fI
              J  Most golcl is macle into  jewellery.            I                                 :-:.iar::-if t;i.  ,  =! --  '
                                                                                                   ':1i:i  +.  rrtii. ,j.  -  : . r
              4  Golcl is founcl in Australia.                   I                               .  'r:r,  "  rst   .,:  ..-:i:t:'rri+=^tr..._._
                                                                                                       :r:li:+....-,  :!:  ::.::
              5  All thc golil in Fort I(nox is owned by thc Arnerican                               ,'i  '"=rl+*i.F+
                 govcrnmcnt.                                     tl                              .;,1
              6  Thc first golil coins were produced ovcr 1,000  years aElo. L
              7  Nlilitarl,-  pilots wcar  gold earrings.        t_
              8  The Pharaohs were truriccl in the Pyramids.     tl
              9  Eldorado  was clestroyed for go1d.              L]
             l0  Gold rvas discovcrcd  in California in 1849.    tl
          4  Discuss  these questions.                                      l::ii.-  1.,.:i-t'
                                                                             .-.t.r  'i:-
                                                                            ^.",r::  ,- :,-
             I  WI'ry is gold usually nrixed with other  rnetals?            'a:. j.l.Bitl=,.t:i :
             2  Why is gold used for teeth?                                    .
             I  Why is gold bought tty govetnrncnts and individr:als?               '.:
             4  Why isn't gold usually movcd from bank to bank?
             5  Gold is used as a symbol of value. It also has some practical
                ruses.  How is it used in  -vour  colrntry?
           5  The importance  of gold is often shown in expressions,
          a  Here arc somc English exarnples. What do you tltink thcy mean?
             Tltis is a goldeu opportunit-v.
             Silence is golden.
             Hc's becn as good  as gold.
             She's wortlt hcr wei!ltt  irt gold.
             l,ti  'r'e  str irck g.tld tlris titnt.
             What crpressiorrs  do you have in your  languagc  that use the
             word  gold? Translatc  then into English.
          6  Are their any legends or stories about gold in your
             country's  history?  Tell the class.


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