Page 109 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 109
Time 13
"' Language focus: Nouns used as adjectives ::'
a Find expressions in the text that mean the same
as these:
Stefania is a decorotor and she's 27 years old.
Her day underground was not 24 hours long.
b Wf,at do you notice about the words yeors and
hours in the expressions?
C What would you call these things?
1 a man who is 67 years old
2 a working day that lasts eight hours
3 a programme that lasts 30 minutes
4 a computer that costs 590 dollars
5 a bag that weighs three pounds
6 a bottle that holds two litres
wffi:.:..: :,:13#
On May 23 1989 Stefania
Follini emerged from a cave
at Carlsbad, New Mexieo. She
hadn't seen the sun for
efuhteen and a half weeks.
Stefania was a volunteer in an
lralian researeh prograrnrne,
and the scientists in the underground for over four cards, read books and listened
programme rvere studying
months, but she thought she to music. She'd also learnt
body rhphms. In this had heen there for only two. English {rom tapes.
experiment Stefania, a 27- Her body clock had changed.
year-old decorator, had spent The experiment showed that
She hadn't kept to a 24-hoar
130 days in a cave 3O feet day, she had stayed awake for our body clocks are affected by
underground, light and temperature. For
20-25 hours and then had slept
example, the pattern of day
During her time in the cave, for 10 hours. She had eaten and night makes us wahe up
Stefania had been completely fewer meals (and had lost 17 lbs and go to sleep. However,
alone except for two white in weight as a result!). She had people are affected irr different
mice. Her living quarters had also become rather depressed. ways. Some people wake up
been very comfortable, but How had she spent her time in naturally at 5.00 am, but
there had been nothing to tell
the cave? As part of the others don't start to wake up
her the time. She'd had no
experiment she'd done some till 9.00 or 10.00 am. This
clncks or watches, no television
physical and mental tests. affects the whole daily rhythm.
or radio. There had heen no
She'd recorded her daily As a result the early risers are
natural Iight and the
ar:tivities and the results of the at their best in the late
temperature had been kept at a tesls on a romputer. (This morning. The late risers, on the
constant 21 degrees Celsius.
computer had been her only other hand, are tired during
The results were very linh to the outside world.) For the day and only come to life in
interesting. Stefania had been entertainment she'd played the afternoon or evening!