Page 99 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 99

Planet Earth 12

          2 When do we use the passive?                       2 Look at this text about Skylab.
          a Look at these two sentences. Do they n-iean the   a  Complete  the text with these verbs in the past
             sante  ?                                            sirnple passive
             Rttssia  launched the  first satellite in 1957.
             (ACTVE)                                              destroy
             The  .first  satellite tvas lattnched by Russia in 1957.
             A ttstvrr lhc\e qUe\lion\.
             I  II lve renlove Ra.rsia frorn the active  sentence, we
                gel Launrhed  tlte  frsr  sdtellite in 1957.  Does it still
               rlakc scnse?
             2 If lve rerrove  by Russia lronr the passive sentencc,  launch
               we get Tht.first satellite was lamtched in 1957.
               Does it still r-nakc sense?
             Conrplete  the rule with rrorc or /ess.               It  197) a 75-tonne  space station  called Slqlab
               We use the passivc when the aclion  is                        by the USA. Three  crews of three
               ir-nportant  than who or what does tl-rc action     aslronalrts       to Skylab, br-rt at the end
               (the  agenl.).
                                                                   oI 1974, rt        Skyla&  stayed in space
             Oftcn wc don't even know the agent.  Look again at    until 1979. Then it lell otrt of its orbit and
             the sentences  in Rules 1 , and find exarnples with   headed towards t1-re Earth. A lot of the space
             no agent.
                                                                   station burnt  r-rp when it entered  the
             Sometirnes we do know the agent. Find examples in
                                                                   atmosphere.  But not all of it   . Large
             the sentences  in Rules 1 . How is the agent shown?
                                                                   pieces  _      across the Indian Ocean.
             Cl-reck  tl-rc rules for the passive in Grammar
                                                                   Ausl.ralia       by somc fragments.
             Reference  12.1.
                                                                   Fortunately  nobody       . A lot of the
                                                                   pieces  _      by Australian  farmers.  The
                                                                   picccs _       for very high prices.
          1  put  the verbs in brackets  into the present
             simple passive.
                                                              b EI  lz.l  Lisren  and check.
             Putting  a satellite into orbit.
                                                              3 Change  these sentences  from the active into
              I  The satellite       (build).                    the passive,  keeping the same tense.
              2 It _         (test).                             I  The American  astronaut, Michael  Collins,
              3 The satellite        (take)  to the rocket         dropped  a camera.
                Iaunch site.                                     2  Eventuaily  a piece oI debris will hit an astronaut
              4  The rocket         (prepare).                   3  A normal  space suit would not protect the
              5  TIre rocket and satellite    llarrnchl.           astronaut.
              6  The lower  parts  of the rocket                 4  Rubbish  is damaging  communications  satellites.
                 (dump).                                         5 Today's  satellilcs will create nrore rrrhhish.
              7  The satellite      _  (pr-rt)  into orbit.      6  A piece of debris cracked one of the space
              8  The satellite's  own rockets    (flre).           shuttle's windows.
              9  The satellite       (move) into the             7  The space shuttle has brought  some satellites
                c()rrecl  ()rhil.                                  back to Earth.
             lo  The resl of the rocket      (leave)             8  Scientists found 186 marks on one satellite.
                rn space.             -                          9  Space debris caused I66 of the marks.
                                                              4  Rubbish  is a problem  on Earth, too. Discuss
                                                                 these questions.
                                                                 I  Why  is so much ruhbish produced?
                                                                 2  What  is done with todav's rubbish?
                                                                 ]  Whar  effects is this having?
                                                                 4  Htrw will the situation  change  in the future?

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