Page 95 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 95
The media 11
3 Work with a partner. Take it in ffip-*nwmcxe*E*rn
turns to be the caller. Make
conversations for these situations. Clustens; list intonation
I You telephone Arthur Border
(extension 5674) to change your Consonant clusters
meeting next week from Monday
English words often have more than one consonant sound
to Tuesday. His line is engaged.
You leave a message with his together. We call these consonant clusters. You normally have to
pronounce all of the consonants. This is very important when the
cluster is at the end of the word and carries part oI the meaning,
2 You telephone Doctor Sabatini such as a past tense or a plural.
(extension 874). There is no reply.
You ask to leave a message with
changed lfem$dl
her secretary, asking her to call
fields lfi:ldzl
you back before 4.00.
Consonant clusters can also occur at the beginning or in the
3 You telephone Pieter Jensen middle of a word.
(extension 1276). His line is EXAMPLES
engaged. You hold on. You flnally strong /stro4/
get through. Tel1 him that your
newsreader I'njul.zri'^del
plane is 1ate, but you should be
Say these words.
there by 3.30.
4 You telephone Celia Appleby lipstick wardrobe emphasized compete
(0 I 789 564)821, but you get the against straight subjects shouldn't
wrong number. public chopped shocked wants
ffi ll.s Listen, check and repeat.
2 List intonation
When we say a list of things, the jntonation rises on each item tn
the list and then Ialls on the last item.
ffi il.q Listen to this sentence.
_/ _/
They changed her clothes, her hairstyle and her make-up.
b Mark the intonation, then say these sentences.
I Footballers have to be young, strong and very fll.
Mehrabian studied the elfects of appearance, voice and content.
'Hello, this is air traffic control. Please leave We get our news from TV, radio and newspapers.
your wessage after the bleep and we'11...'
I want you to reIax, be friendly and smile.
t[- 5 For this recipe you need potatoes, beans, tomatoes and oil.
c m ll.5 Listen, check and repeat.
A@cw I I
'Actually, Madam, I don't know how
you managed it, but you are speaking
to somebody in authority.'