Page 93 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 93
The media 11
4 Discuss these questions. 5 What happened to Fiona?
I What do you think about the a Look quickly at this article and answer these questions'
attempt to change Fiona's image? 1 Who was it written bY?
2 What image do You think theY 2 Was it written before or after the other article?
created for Michael Wilson? I What happened? Choose the correct statement'
3 Do you think Fiona will lil<e her E Fioru', new image was a great success'
new image?
4 Do you think their new images will E riot u leit the programme.
be successful? I rn" producers changed Fiona's image again'
,i€r€ b Were your ideas in 4 correct?
Language focus:
want someone to ... HOW MUCH DOES IMAGE M,{ITER? g
criticised my appearance. It
a Complete this sentence from T t 7ell. I hare to sar. il was ry
the text. VV, ,rro.i.. \Vhett I ttat a was so trivial.
newsreader my appearance f was unhappy on the nen
GMTV want
was never discussed. And I Iprogrr**. right Irorn the
to women, but theY don't want
didn't even think about my start, although I staYed longer
male viewers.
Iegs, which rvere alwaYs than my male co-presenter.
b Use your answers to 3. What do behind a desk. Butwhen I We both felt uncomfortable
the programme Producers want moved to GMTV my with our artificial images.
Fiona to do? appearartce became [t oltl -1 hcrr finallv I couldn't do it
ExevpLe page re'r'vs. Suddenly everY any more, either. I just wasn't
They wont her to smile o lot, ,,: newspaper in the country had being myself and it showed.
So I left, too.
'i something to saY about mY
sa 'm starting a new joh roon
.,.t:te# legs, and none ofitwas very f
flattering. lu, th. presenter of a
Jkrrow that image matters. Tf programme called Fa n la:ti r
luou'r" in rhe public eye yt-,u Facts, arid I feel very good
have to iook smart and neat. about it. I'11 have to look
Me-wers don't want to see good, of course, but I I'von't
untidy clothes and hair. have to lvear'sexY' clothes
(inset) as a newsreader
Imagc is important, but it and smiie all the time. I'11 be
isn't everything. In all the abie to choose my own
newspaper articles about rhe clothes and my own hairstYle.
I'1i be able to be mYself. Then
new breakfast Programme,
nobody mentioned the the vieu'ers will be able to
programme's content or concentrate on the content of
inlormailon. ThcY all just the programme, not on me.
6 Read the text more carefullY.
a Answer I hese questions.
I What did the newspapers say about Fiona's appearance?
2 Why didn't she like it? (2 reasons)
3 What happened to Fiona's co-presenter?
4 What is Fiona going to do now?
5 Why is she haPPY about it?
b What do you think about Fiona's ideas? Do you agree?
7 Write a short summary of the two articles, using
this forrnat:
. Fiona's new job as presenter of GMTV's new breakfast
e her new image and the reasons for it
c what happened and whY
o what Fiona is going to do now
. how Fiona Ieels about the whole incident
Fiana's new tmage