Page 90 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 90

11 The rnedia


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          Grammar in use   '1                                 Rules
          1  Imagine you are a politician  talking to an      1 ftre text uses the verb have  to.
            audience.                                         a  Complete  these sentences  Irom the text.
          d  Work with a partner. Which of these factors  do you  Obviously  film  stars     right  for  the part.
            think is the most important?                         So you             too much about content
            r  what you say                                      For example,       politicians
            .  your appearance
                                                                 ab out their app  e arance?
            r  your voice
                                                              b Rewrite  each sentence in the third person  singular.
          b  Give a percentage  for each factor.
                                                              c  How  do we make these forms wit]n haye to?
          c  Read the text and check your answers.               r  a positive statement
          2  Discuss  these questions.                           r  a negative  stagement
             I  How important is image,  do you think?           .  a question
            2  Do you agree with Mehrabian's  research?          Check the rules for haye  to in Grammar Reference
            3  Can you think of any examples Irom your own       11.1.
               experience  which conflrm his research?

                        How important  is image? Obviously film stars have
                        to Iook righl for the part. but what about other peopie
                        in the public eye? For example,  do politicians  have to
                        think about their appearance,  too? Albert  Mehrabian
                            studied  the elfect  that speakers have on therr
                              audience. His research showed thal anly 7a/o
                               of the effect depends  on what you say; 3Ba/o
                               of the effect comes  from your voice; but a
                               huge 554/o of the effect  comes from your
                               appearance.  So you don't have to worry  too
                              much about contentl  Your vojce and your
                        appearance  are much more  important
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