Page 98 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 98
lzPlanet Earth
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Grammar in use Rules
1 Look at the cartoon. The text shows many vertrs in the
? What do you think the text wiil be about? passive,
b Can you identify any of these things on these pages? Complete these sentences from the
rybb,ish, ae'!1is. .snace'. satetfita. 1space9raft orbit ,IoqkeJ
I On 4 October 1957 the first satellite,
C Read the text and check your ideas. Sputnik,
2 Since then, thousands of spacecraft
2 Answer these questions.
I What is it about? into space.
2 How has the situation been created? 1 Every few weeks new satellites
3 Why is the situation dangerous? into orbit
4 What will happen in the future? 4 Unfortunately, space
by debris from these
The rubbish dump in the sky space flights.
5 An astrondut if he
or she was hit by a piece of rubbish.
6 Sooner or later a satellite
by a large piece of
the sentences are all in
On 4 October 1957 the first satellite, Sputnik, was launched.
Since then, thousands of spacecraft have been sent into
space. Every few weeks new satellites are put into orbit.
Unfortunately, space is being polluted by debris from these
space flights. More than 70,000 objects have been left in
space. Parts of rockets have been left. Old satellites have
been abandoned. Other items, including a glove, a spanner
and a camera, have been lost by astronauts. The situation up
there is becoming dangerous. Both Russian and American
spacecraft have been damaged. An astronaut would be
killed if he or she was hit by a piece of rubbish. lt would cost
billions of dollars to collect all the debris, but if nothing is
done the situation will only get worse. Sooner or later a
satellite will be destroyed by a large piece of rubbish and
thousands more pieces of debris will be scattered.