Page 91 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 91
The media 1l
Practice Rules
1 What qualities do these people 1 finO examples in tapescript tl.l to complete the table.
have to have for their jobs?
Present Past Future
d Look at the list oI possible qualities.
b work with a partner and complete have to
the table. Can you add any more? (obligation)
don't have to
Qualities can (ability)
be good-looking be strong be fit can't
have a university degree be young
be mariied look honest be tall 2 ttow do we make questions with haue to and. can in the past
have a nice voice look attractive and future?
Jobs has to doesntt
have to and 11.2.
a TV newsreader Practice
a priest I Make an interview with Jason Saul.
a fashion model
a Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
a politician I the have did photographs you take to?
a doctor 2 hide did have where to you?
a footballer 3 see you house clearly could the?
4 long wait did have how you to?
2 What do you have to do in your 5 photos be to will sell you the able?
job, or future job? 6 same you able be the use to wili tree?
7 to what you have now will do?
? Make a list of the thlngs that you have
8 lens buy be you to new will able a?
to do and the qualities that you have
Worl< with a partner. Use the questions to roleplay an interview
to have.
with Jason Saul.
b Work with a partner. Ask questions to
find out about your partner's job. 2 Think about your childhood.
Examprrs a Write down three things that you had to do and three things that
ln your job do you have to work with you didn't have to do.
other people? Exarrrprns
Do you have to drive? I had to go to bed at eight o'clock.
What hours do you have to work? I didn't have to go to work.
Ask other people in the class if their childhood was the same.
Grammar in use 2 Exarrrpln
A What time did you have to go to bed, when you were six?
1 ffi lf .l Listen to the interview.
I What is Jason Saul's job? B I had to go to bed at eight o'clock.
A So did I.
2 What has he recently done?
3 How did he do it? Couid you do these things when you were slx?
4 Why won't he be able to do it again? * read . speak a foreign language
o swim o play computer games
2 Discuss these questions. o ride a bike r wrile
I How does Jason Saul d Compare answers with a partner.
justify his job?
3 Imagine that these things have just happened.
Do you agree with
him? a Think about how your life will change.
Do you What will/won't yoLr have to do?
think What will/won't yolr be able to do?
that c You've lost your job. * You've won the national lottery.
there c You've got married. * You and your partner have had a baby.
* You've retired & You've got a place to study abroad.
should be rules
about what b Compare answers with a partner, and then rryith the class.
newspapers can h
print? See Reflecting on Learning 12: The verb /o have p121.