Page 92 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 92

11 The media

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              Who are your favourite media          1 Look at the photographs in the flrst newspaper article.
              people?                              a  Discuss  these questions.
           a Write the name of your Iavourite         I  How has the woman's  appearance  changed?
              o  newsreader.                          2  Which photograph  do you prefer and why?
              s  TV presenter.
                                                    b  Read  the flrst two paragraphs  and answer the questions.
              &  DJ.
                                                      I  Who is the woman  in the photo?
              o journalist.                           2  What  is her new  job?
              .  newspaper.
                                                      I  What did she do before?
              *  magazine.
                                                      4  What has she had to change for her new job?
              .  TV station.
              s  TV programme.                      2  Look quickly through the whole text. Match the people
              e  radio station.                       and their jobs.
              s  film star.
              c  .fi.Im director.                       Liz Howell            I  co-presenter
              o  TV advertisement.                      Michael  Wilson       i weatherman
              I  Weather presenter.                     John Coleman          I  image consultant
                                                        Frank N Magid          Director  of Programmes
           b Tcll your  partner  about your choices.                          I
           2 Match the verbs with the items.        3  Read the whole article  and answer  these questions.
              Each itern can have more than one
                                                      I  What  changes have the image  consultants  made  to
                                                         Fiona's  image?
               switch on     a photograph             2  Why have they made the changes?
               switch off                             3  Why  has Fiona accepted  them?
               listen to     an article
                             the TV
                             the radio
               record                                   Fiona Armstrong  has got a new  Programmes, Liz Howeil  says  '\(/e
               look at                                  job. The former  newsreader    want the viewers to fancy the
               read          a film                     from ITN is the co-presenter  of  presenters.  So u,e've tried to bring
               make                                     GMTV's  new breakfast          out the nice, frienclly srcle ofFiona
               see           a programme                progfamme.                     and to make  het sexier.  She  now
                                                        The breakfast  show will start  at  wears brighter  coiours and shorter
           3  Complete these sentences  with in          6.00 am tomorro\i/.  but Fiona has  skirts. Her jackets  are shofier, too,
                                                        had to change more than  her   to emphasize  1"rer figure.  Si-re looks
              or on.
                                                        working  hours. The new Fiona has  beautiful.'
              I  We were _   a photograph _
                                                        got lighter hair, brighter  lipstick  Fiona's co-presenter,  Michael
                the newspaper.                          and a sexier wardrobe. She will  Wiison,  has  also had to change  his
                My dog was _   an                       also smile  a lot ancl flirt wittr the  image. GMTV want  Michael to
                advertisernenl _   TV.                  guests  oi1 the programme.  So why  appeal  to women,  but they don't
                I've seen that fl1m _   video           the big changei'               want him to alienare malr viewrrs
                                                        The producels  want  women     either. Both presenters  had to
                Clint  Eastwood's   it.
                                                         berwrrn  20 rn,l 4U ro rclenrr[y  agree to the nerv image as part of
                I read about it __  an article                                         rhe  job.
                _    a magazine. -                      with Fiona, who's  3), and they
                                                        rvarit  people of all ages to lind her  GMTV start their  new breakfast
                He was _a    play _   the
                                                        attractive.  So GMTV brought in  frogrJmme  romorrow monring.
                ra d io.                                 Arnerican  image consultant,  Frank  But not everyone  is happy. The
                                                        N Magid to create a whoie  new  nerrs doctors haie got it wrong rn
                                                        image for Frona.  He's known as  thc prsr. A Lw y.,rrs ago rhcy
                                                         'the news doctor' in the States  sacked American  weathernlafl  ,
                                                        where image consultancy is big  John  Coleman, because  he was  tc-ro
                                                         business. He clecided that Fiona's  dull. After thousands  of letters
                                                        serious  neu.sreader image had to  from angry viervers,  Coleman was
                                                        go. GMTV's  Director of        bacl< in his  1ob.
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