Page 94 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 94

11 The media

          ,?*:}1iaai..i:::: I :  t .  :  i: I :. i' . ;,  .
           L$w*wm$uruffi  ffir$d ffiffiffiffi&{$mffi             Conversation pieces:
                                                                 Telephone  expressions
                                                                 a  Complete the expressions  with these  words
           I  You will hear Ray Porter making  a phone call.
                                                                     moment hold  wrong engaged
          a  [Hl  I l.z  Ljsren  ro the flrst part and answer        reply may extension keep try
             these questions.                                        message through hang speak
             I  Who is he going  to phone?
             2  Where does  she work?                               How _l        help you?
             3  What  does he want to phor-re about?                Could  I _to     ...?
             4  What is the number?                                 Could  I have      233, please?
                                                                    Could  I leave a _for   ...?
                                                                    l'm sorn1,  the line's _
                                                                    There's  no
                                                                    I think you've  got the _   extension.
                                                                    Would you like to _    ?
                                                                    I'll _     on.
                                                                    I'll _again     later.
                                                                    l'm sorry to _    you.
                                                                    lust one        ,  please,
                                                                    l'm just putting  you _   now.
                                                                 b  Look at tapescript  I 1.2 and check your answers,
                                                                 C  Practise  the conversations  with a partner,  using
                                                                    the tapescript,


          b  Tick (/) the things that happen.

             E  H. gers througl.r  to the wrong extension.
             E  ratny is in a meeting.
             l l  u" calls back.
             L l  H" hangs up.
             L  I  u" gets through  to I(athy's secretary.
                The linc is engagcd.
             E  rr" dials a wrong  number.
             E  fatfry calls him back.
             L l  Th"."',  no reply.
             L l  rl. leaves a message for I(athy.
             L l  Kathy  is out.
             L l  rathy is going to be away next week.
             E  u" holcls on.
          2  [Hl  I l.z Listen to the rest ol the conversation
             and number the events in the correct order.

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