Page 88 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 88

1O Activities

            ffixtems&*m:  L&stera&rxg amd speak&rxg

            1  Here is the introduction  to a radio interview,             5  Look at the questionnaire  about
           a  ffi  lO.S Read  and listen to the introdrrcriorr.              pleasure.
                                                                           a  Choose  the ten activities which give
                                                                              you most  pleasure.  Put them in order
                 ("Pleasure                                                   1-10 (I is the most  pleasurable).
                          is the beginning  and the end of living happily.,,
                                                                           b  Are there any things that you would
                 Those  are the words of the Greek  philosopher Epicurus, who
                                                                             like to add to the list?
                 lived 2300 years ago. People  have always tried to flnd
                                                                           C  Work in a group. Compare  your
                 pleasure and today we have many more pleasures  than the
                                                                             choices. What differences  and
                 Ancient  Greeks  had. And yet we srill don't know  a lot about  similarities are there?
                 this important  part of life. Here in the studio is Dr  Jonathan  Use these expressions:
                 Shamberg. Good evening, Dr Shamberg.,                       I (don't)like  ...
                                                                             I really  enjoy
                                                                             I've never tried ...
                                                                             I prefer  ... to ...
           b  Discrlss  these questions.                                     I get a lot of pleasure  from  ...
              I  What will the interview be about?
                                                                          d  List the ten things that you spend
              2  Who will be interviewed?
                                                                             most of your time doing. How does
              3  What  questions  do you think the interviewer will ask?
                                                                             this list compare  to your answers to
           2  You will hear the interview.                                   the questionnaire? Have you got the
           a  ffi  fO.s Listen and check your ideas.                         recipe for a happy life?
           b  What  questions  does the interviewer ask?                  6  Make a questionnaire  to flnd out
                                                                             what people hate doing.
           3  Or Sharnberg uses activities  to illustrate his ideas.
                                                                          a  Work in groups,  using the
           O Match the list o{ ideas  and the list of activities.
                                                                             questionnaire in 5 as a model. Make a
                ldeas                      Activities                        list of about thirty things that you
                                                                             think  people  dislike doing.  (Some may
                                           going for a walk
                Pleasure  is important  for                                  be the same  as in the questionnaire!)
                                           getting  on with  each  other
                 human survival.                                          b  on a separate  piece of paper  list the
                                          jumping  out of a plane
                                                                             ten things that you think will be most
                                           eating                            unpopular.
                Happy people  enjoy the
                                           chatting  with a friend        C  Give your questionnaire  to another
                 everyday things in life.
                                           doing a crossword                 group and ask them to choose  their
                                           having  children                  ten least favourite  things. Compare
                Pleasure  means  different  things
                                          cooking  a meal                    the results  to your own predictions.
                 to different people.
                                           relaxing  in a hot bath
           b  ffi  lo.p Listen again and check your answers.
           4  Discuss  these questions.
              I  What do you think of Dr Shamberg's  ideas?
             2  Should everyone  be able to pursue their own 'pleasures'?
                What about these?
                c  taking drugs   *  driving  fast
                o smoking        o  hunting

             I  The modern  world can ofier a very wide  range  o{ pieasures.
                Make a list of some things that were not available  a hundred
                years ago. Have these things improved  life or made it worse?

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