Page 85 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 85

Activities 1O

                The f349                                                     Vocabulary  file: Work

                                                                             Find  these things in the article:
               housewife                                           i         r  all the names of jobs
                                                                             r  five synonyms  for work (n) and  (v)
                                                                                two synonyms for pay
                                                                             a  another  way of saying these:
                                                                   s            90 hours a week
                                                                                the hourly  cost
                                                                   :            It tokes a lot of time
                                                                   :            the word for the place where
                                                                   '-:'         someone  works
                                                                                the abbreviation  for do- it-yo  u rse lf

                                                                          How  her  weekly  pay  slip  would  add  up...
                                                                        i..                fhr   tweeti
             '-                                 7--                     ,          17.9  hrs  f5'50
                                                                         cook      an  ^,        flo5.95
                                                                        creaner    ;;;;::   f5.35   t65.27  i
                                                                        1I1,.,,           .H     ,;i:l
              /t                                                        ;ll'i::"^. 311"   .,Bo   124.32
                                                                                   S.7 hrs
                                                                                                 12432  ,
             ,'  1)                                                     Driver            f3'80   f21.66
                                                                       f::3::     ;;;j    ,"T 'il:;
            /{)                                                        ,$::T
            {fi                                                                   jit    .rir  #
                                                                     i   -       tu't hts      $4e.oe

               As nanny, cook, cleaner, laun-                                weekly, the ligure drops to 80 hoLrrs
               dress, shopper, dishwasher,  dri-  By SEAN  POULTER           fiom one to foul and to 66 hor.rrs
               ver. gardener,  and seamstress,                               liom live to ten.
               she has one of  the  most      Researchers  put a price on each  Mother-of-four  Karen  Tudor-
              demanding  jobs  in  Britain    chore.  then calculated  how long the  Williams. from Reading,  said last
              today. And paying  someone      average person takes  doing thern.  night:  'Wages  al'en't  practical.  but
              else to do the chores which  take  They found housewives  spend  an  the government  should recognize the
              the average housewif-e  71 hours  average 70.7 hours  a rveek on domes-  value ol housework,  perhaps through
              a week would  cost f349. it was  tic duties  -   with looking  aller the  the tax system.  Running a house i
              revealed  yesterday.            chiidren (17.9 hours) and cooking  takes a lot of time and most husbands
                                              and cleaning  (12.3 hours each)  the  don't appreciate this. They say they
              At over f.18,000  a year thal's more
                                              most time-consuming.           do the DIY  jobs.  bLrt my hr.rsband
              than the eamings  of 70 per cent of the
              population,  including tlain drivers.  A wife with a parrtime iob  still  only puts a shell' up now ancl again.
              liremen,  prison officers.  and social  wt'rrks an average of 59 hours a week  He never cleans the kro  -  that's the
              workers.                        at home. Those in full-time employ-  real test.'
                                              ment put in longer  hours at home  Single par"ent Anne Neale from
              Looking  after a youngster less than  a
                                              than in the workplace.         North-west  London said:   'The
              year old takes a housewife into an
                                                                             Govenrment  shor-rld pay women
              even higher pay  league. Accordin-s to  The good news is that these hours
                                                                             wages. lt's the hr-r-sband's  employer
              a suruey,  she deserves !2157 a week   -  decline  sharyly  as children  get older.
              at nearly f.24.000  a year,  the same  as  While  the averiige mother with  a  who  benef its from the work that
                                                                             women do at home.'
              tcuehers. cngineer..  and chernistr.  chilcl under one puts in 90 hours

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