Page 85 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 85
Activities 1O
The f349 Vocabulary file: Work
Find these things in the article:
housewife i r all the names of jobs
r five synonyms for work (n) and (v)
two synonyms for pay
a another way of saying these:
s 90 hours a week
the hourly cost
: It tokes a lot of time
: the word for the place where
'-:' someone works
the abbreviation for do- it-yo u rse lf
How her weekly pay slip would add up...
i.. fhr tweeti
'- 7-- , 17.9 hrs f5'50
cook an ^, flo5.95
creaner ;;;;:: f5.35 t65.27 i
1I1,.,, .H ,;i:l
/t ;ll'i::"^. 311" .,Bo 124.32
S.7 hrs
12432 ,
,' 1) Driver f3'80 f21.66
f::3:: ;;;j ,"T 'il:;
/{) ,$::T
{fi jit .rir #
i - tu't hts $4e.oe
As nanny, cook, cleaner, laun- weekly, the ligure drops to 80 hoLrrs
dress, shopper, dishwasher, dri- By SEAN POULTER fiom one to foul and to 66 hor.rrs
ver. gardener, and seamstress, liom live to ten.
she has one of the most Researchers put a price on each Mother-of-four Karen Tudor-
demanding jobs in Britain chore. then calculated how long the Williams. from Reading, said last
today. And paying someone average person takes doing thern. night: 'Wages al'en't practical. but
else to do the chores which take They found housewives spend an the government should recognize the
the average housewif-e 71 hours average 70.7 hours a rveek on domes- value ol housework, perhaps through
a week would cost f349. it was tic duties - with looking aller the the tax system. Running a house i
revealed yesterday. chiidren (17.9 hours) and cooking takes a lot of time and most husbands
and cleaning (12.3 hours each) the don't appreciate this. They say they
At over f.18,000 a year thal's more
most time-consuming. do the DIY jobs. bLrt my hr.rsband
than the eamings of 70 per cent of the
population, including tlain drivers. A wife with a parrtime iob still only puts a shell' up now ancl again.
liremen, prison officers. and social wt'rrks an average of 59 hours a week He never cleans the kro - that's the
workers. at home. Those in full-time employ- real test.'
ment put in longer hours at home Single par"ent Anne Neale from
Looking after a youngster less than a
than in the workplace. North-west London said: 'The
year old takes a housewife into an
Govenrment shor-rld pay women
even higher pay league. Accordin-s to The good news is that these hours
wages. lt's the hr-r-sband's employer
a suruey, she deserves !2157 a week - decline sharyly as children get older.
at nearly f.24.000 a year, the same as While the averiige mother with a who benef its from the work that
women do at home.'
tcuehers. cngineer.. and chernistr. chilcl under one puts in 90 hours