Page 83 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 83

Activities 1O

          2  when do we luse going  fo to talk about the future?         2  The rest of your life starts here!
          a  Look at these sentences  from the story. Say which future form is  a  Make three resolutions to imProve
            used  and why.                                                  your life or to fuIfll your ambitions.
            Mike  This year, I{aren, l'm going to give up smoking.       b  Work with a partner. Teli  Your
            I{aren You won't give uP smoking.                               partner  about  your resolutions and
            John I'll give up, too.                                         answer  any questions  that  Your
                                                                            partner  asks.
          b  Use the sentences  to complete the examples  for the rules'
                                                                            Change partners. Tell your new
               We use wil/                                                  partner  about your first  Partner's
               o  to make  predictions or talk about  the future in general.  resolutions.
                 Exerrprr                                                3  Choose the correct future forrn for
                                                                            each sentence.
               r  when  we decide to do something  at the moment  of        I  A  John ar'd I are going to / will
                 spe aking.                                                       get married.
                                                                               B  Oh that's  great news!
                                                                            2  A  I can't flnd my walletl
                                                                               B  I'm going  to / I'll helP  You  look
               We use going  to                                                   for it.
               r  to talk about something  that we have  already  decided to do-  I  A  Shali we go out for a meal
                 Exanrprr                                                         this evening?
                                                                               B  Yes, Ol( I'm going to / I'll
                                                                                  phone and book a tabie.
          C  Find one more example  of each use in the story.               4  Can you record  that  Programme
                                                                               for me? I'm going to / l'llhave
                                                                               a bath.
                                                                            5  A  It's my birthday on SaturdaY.
                                                                               B  Are you going  to / Will  You
                                                                                  have a party?
          I  What  are this family's resolutions?                           6  A  I'm going to get a cup of coffee.
                                                                               B  Good idea. I'm going to / I'll
          a  Make sentences  with going  to and this information
                                                                                  get one, too.
                    _L                                                      7  A  Here's that report.
                                                                               B  Oh, thanks. I'm going to / l'll
                                                                                  read it this evening.
                                         Exannprrs                          8  If you see a black  cat,  You're
                                                                               going to / you'll have good iuck.
                                         My husband's  going  to go on d diet.
                                         He isn't going to drink  so much beer.  4  Go round the class. Find out
                                                                            about people's  plans for
                                                                            e  after the class.
                                                                            o this evening.
                                                                            .  tomorrow.
                                                                            r  the weekend.
                                                                            .  next TuesdaY.
                                                                            e  the summer.
                take / exercise          My son / have / haircut            r  their next holiday.
                work / hard              He/watch/TV
                                                                             Wltat  are you going  to do ... ?
                                                                            lf you already  have plans  saY:
                                                                             ['m/We're  going  to ...
                                                                            lf you are not sure, say:
                                                                             Perhaps  I/We'll ...
             My daughter I ltdy I bedroom  We / be nicer to each other       or I don't know.  I/We'll probablY  ...
             She / talk / phone lor hours  We / argue with each other

          b  ffil  ro.z Listen and check.

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