Page 84 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 84
1O Activities
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1 Look at this list of activities. which do you like doing? Look at the picture and the
headline of the article.
playing football having a shower sitting writing jogging
What do you think the article is
sunbathing digging the garden cycling shopping skating
skipping sleeping shaving knitting getting dressed
b The lirst paragraph mentions f,349
swimming doing housework dancing driving washing up
and 7I hours. What do you think
these numbers represent?
2 rhe words in 1 are all gerunds.
c Look at the text and check your ideas.
? A gerund is the -ing Iorm of a verb. How do we make the gerunds
d Lool< at the chart. Find the job titles
of these verbs?
Ior these activities.
play sleep cycle shave skip knit
washing up preparing meals
washing clothes sewing
b A gerund is a noun. We use it as the sr-rbject or object of a
looking after children
sentence, and following a preposition. What types oI gerund are
in these sentences?
2 Read the text. Mark these
I like swimming.
She's very good at swimming. sentences True (/), False (X), or
Don't know Q).
Swimming is good for you.
I The average housewile works
3 Look at the chart. What does it show?
nearly 7l hours a week. tr
a [Hl ro.: Listen to some information about the activities above.
2 Seventy per cent of the
b put the activities above in the correct category. working population earn
€i8,000 a year. tr
How many calories can you burn in one hour?
I Train drivers earn the same as
Type of activity Calories Examples prison offlcerr. E
4 Teachers earn about f,24,000
rest 60 reading, a year. tr
5 Looking after children takes
up most time. tr
very light activities 75 eoting.
6 Wives with jobs spend more
light activities 100 ploying the piano, time on housework than on
their jobs. tr
7 The average mother with a
moderate activities 100 200 walking,
child under one works 95
hours a week. tr
energetic activities 200 400 horse riding. 8 I(aren Tudor-Williams thinks
that the government shouid
pay women wages. tr
strenuous activities 400 600 climbing stoirs,
9 Her husband helps with a 1ot
of the housework. tr
l0 Anne Neale thinks that
c m lo.3 Listen again and check your answers.
husbands' employers should
4 Look at these activities. pay housewives. tr
O Which category do you think they go in? Discuss your ideas.
3 Discuss these questions.
fishing ironing cleaning a car weightlifting I How do you feel about the
Iooking after children sailing travelling by plane situation in the text?
running cooking skiing singing
2 Do you think the situation is
breathing windsurfing sewing similar in your country?
3 Do you agree with I(aren and
b How many energetic or strenuous actlvities do you do? Anne? What, if anything, should
F Check the rules for gerunds in Grarnmar Reference 10.2. be done about the situation?