Page 81 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 81
Possibilities 9
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4 Here is another idea for smart shopping. '
gmarl ehoPPing from home
a Look at the information and the pictures. How
would it work? Many peoPle d'on't \ike ehoPPlnq at'
Exemprr uuprr^ur:k"1", bu+' you woulAn'N need t'o 4o lo
You wauld run the pen over the bar codes on the goods in th,e eu?ermarkeL if you trced f'he laf'eeL \dea \n
the cupboard or fridge. home ahopp\ny,You vtouldn'tr even leave yaur o\'\tn
b What do you think the advantages and home. Aow woald' it' work?
disadvantages of it would be? Y ou' d, need' an elec|ronic pen lrom yottr
Continue the description of smart shopping from eupermarkeT, Y ou'd' qo Na your cupboard or
home, using this format: tr\dqe and you'd run lhe pen over Nhe bar cod'es
. Introdllction on r,he lhinye lhat you wanLed' No buy' Ihe pen
r How would it work? would, record' v,thaL you wanr'ed' then you'd' qo l'o
r What would be the advantages?
your NelePhone, Y ou' d" "
r What would be the disadvantages?
pen/ bar codes/ cupboard or fridge 2 pen/ console on telephone dial/ store number
pen/ recordl what you want
telephone/ send/ order/ store store/ deliverl order