Page 76 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 76
9 Possibillties
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Crime W*w$d y*u ge€ Errew*$ared?
1 Look at this list of crimes. I Look at the title. What do you think the text is about?
Use a dictionary to helP You. Which a Read the flrst paragraph. What advice would you expect the
are police to give?
a crimes against people? b Read the rest of the text and answer the questions'
o crimes against property? I What happened to each of these people?
o Dave Johnson
'rnurder"' assault" irobbgry.''''". r Pauline Castle
theft , .:shgpliftino: 'blaekmait.',r: .'' o James Bulger
,,'kidnappjng.:,,\gv,$lp1v1j:;::..;ttrrndaltsm-,-r r ICtty Genovese
o Dave Greenwood
b Write the crimes in the first column in
2 What do the police advise?
the table.
Use a dictionary. Find the words for 2 Read the text again.
the next two columns. a Find three reasons why people do not get involved.
b Which case illustrates each of the reasons?
cnme criminal action
c Discuss these questions.
murder murderer to murder I What do you think about each of the cases?
ossault attacker/ to ottackl 2 Wlnat would you do in each of these cases?
mugger to mug I What do you think of the police advice?
3 Work in groups to discuss these questions. Then compare
your answers with the class.
1 Would you get invoived if
. a car was on fire and there were people lnside?
. two people were assaulting someone?
. a thief grabbed someone's bag?
. two young men were breaking into a car?
2 Would lt make any difference if the victim was
r a member of your family?
o a neighbour?
o a colleague?
. a stranger?
o a child?
o a woman?
Which crimes would you associate o a man?
these words with? 3 Have you ever witnessed a crime or a dangerous incident?
What did you do?
Shootr :rfurga(::i6f6:.1',:r::.thf, It 4 Have you had an experience that made you think: 'I wouldl't
money ,::.knife,. :.: i h'r' ,..,rt,,OUn,,
do it again'? What haPPened?
4 Here is an incident that happened to Peter Morris.
a Describe what happened. using the information'
b Add an ending and say how the experience changed Peter's
attitude. What would he do next time?
Peter Morris/ drive along road
lonely road/ evening
car/ stopped by side of the road
woman/ looking at engine
Peter/ stop to help
man/ appear from car/ point gun at Peter
steal wallet/ take Peter's car/ drive away