Page 77 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 77

Possibilities 9

                                   you ge-tg-#C?                                                                  H


                                                                                                                   $la nt
                                                                                                                   *g:rt  qll
           w::l:"HlJi;::i,*'                                                                                       iii
           assault?  Would  You  intervene?                                                                        ye$tei
           lf your neighbour's  house  was                                                                         wa& al
                         try to rescue                                                                             f.he tl
           on firen would You
                    inside?  What  would                                                                           the  Pe  :
           the PeoPle
           you do if someone  needed Your
           tretp in a dangerous  situation?                                                                        ; *ari
                    get involved?                                                                                  Iilli{-1i
           Would  You                                                                                                   i
                                                                                                                   r)1V  ii
                                                                                                                   lVe  s1
            Di::';:ilil;                                                                                            :iltin1,
            home  one  night                                                                                        the  P
            when  he saw  a                                                                                         n1Y{}
            house  on fire.                                                                                         ra the
            Someone  inside  was                                                                                    met]i
            shouting  for helP.  'l                                                                                 mosl
            couldn't  just stand                                                                                    a rc,
            there  and do                                                                                           ArY'
            nothing,'  saYs  Dave'  'l broke                                                                         I an1
            down the door and went in' lt                                                                           1he
            was extremely  hot and there                                                                            ;1S5IS
            was smoke  ever)ryvhere'  But  I                                                                        v/as
             got the old man  out' Two                                                                               tl]e
             minutes  later  the whole  house                                                                        {am
             was in flames.  Yes, l'd do the                                                                         allal  i
             same  thing again''                                                                                     The
                                B ::1il'"4:  x'J:"'.::l':''*                                                         fnr
                                 intervened  to help a neighbour
                                 when  she heard  a noise in the
                                 street.  Pauline  exPlains  what
                                 hapPened'   'Two  $rls  were
                                 throwing  stones  at my
              neighbour's  house'  I shouted  at them'  But then they came
              over  to my house  and threatened  me' I was shocked  and
              really frightened.  They  were  only about thirteen   years  old'  I
              *"r''d.'id"  it again'  l'cl  just ignore it' ln fact last week  I  ln  New  York in 1964, a man stabbed  Kitty  Genovese  ln
              ;;;;;*"   bovslrandalizing  an emptv  shop  in.the  next  lnurloun*unt.   More than twenty  people  heard  Kittv's
              Street,butldidn,tooanytning'ljustcrossed-thestreet.  ;;;;   but nobodv  helped  her' Thev  all thought  that
              *", i *"r'0.',  get involved  again' lt's not worth it''  ;;;;;   else  would  call the police'  Nobodv  helped  Kittv
                                                               ;;;."   and she died'  But when Dave  Greenwood  tried
                                                               to help a young woman  outside  a pub in Wales  one  night'
               P3i;::;:Ji;:il::ilx?5:iiil:litl3";il,Til','",   n" O*.r*"  the victim'  The woman's  attackers  kiiled him'
               areafraidthattheywouldlooksillyiftheywerewrong,ln  He left a widow  and two  young children'
               a farnous  case in 1993  two twelve-year-old  boys  murdered
               , fint"  noy called  James  Bulger'  Over  a hundred  witnesses  It  is because  of cases like this that the  pollce  say:  'Don't
               ,u*-.,urn".  with the two boyi  before the murdel,  The boys  I il;;;.   ;iar  ggs  and  leave  it to the  police  or the fire
               *"t* Ortn'.C  him and hitting  him'  But  all the witnesses  ;;;;"   ' But  in the heat of the moment'  if someone  was
               ;;eililile   was  with his brothers'  so thev  did not do  in irouble,  what  wouid  You  do?

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