Page 82 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 82


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              Grammar in use                                                 Rules

              1  Discuss  these questions.                                   1  took at the cartoon again.
                 I  Do yor-r ever make  New Year's resolutions?              a  Find these forrns o[ goitrg ro:
                2 Do you keep them?                                             c  a positive sentence
                I  What do you think are the most common resolutions?           *  a negative  sentence
                4 Why do people  make resolutions and then not keep them?       .  a question
              2  Look at the cartoon.                                        b  How  do we make these forms?
              a  Read the story and decide lvhat the New Year's Resolution is
                going to be.
              b  Compare your ideas with the class.
              c  ffil  to.r  Listen  to the story and check.

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