Page 72 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 72
8 Food and health
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I Look at the questionnaire. b Complete the questionnaire.
a Read the introduction and answer the questions' c Compare answers with your partner. What
I What is the questionnaire about? differences are there?
2 What things dePend on luck? d What elfect do you think your answers will have on
] What is the questionnaire based on? your life expectancy?
How lorm"g, could Yotl live?
l\hat is your life expectancy? A lot depends on Do you live alone?
luck - whether you have an accident and who
vour grandparents are. But you can also control Do you live with a partner (husbandA^/ife,
some things in your lifestyle. So how long could b oyfriend/girlfriend) ?
you live? This questionnaire is based on life
insurance tests.
Do you or will you have a universitY
Write your answers in the sPaces.
8 Do you or will you have a postgtaduate
1 Are you male or female? clegree or a similar Professional
T qualification?
2 How old are You?
Do you live in an urban area with a
population of more than 2 million people?
Do you live in a rural area with less than
10.000 inhabitants?
10 How often do you jog, swim, play a sport or
take similar exercise?
1'l Do you usually sleep for more than 10
hours a day?