Page 69 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 69
Food and health 8
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4 Discuss these questions. Vocabulary file: Quantities
I How do you feel about Walter's
To give quantities of uncountable nouns we use a countable
slory? Do you feel sorrl, for him?
expression of quantity.
2 What other kinds of eating
disorders or addictions do you a Match the expressions to the pictures.
know of?
a piece of paper two bottles of water a tube of glue
I What do you think ol people with a bag of flour two cartons of milk a loaf of bread
eating problerns?
a packet of tea a bar of chocolate two pounds/
Use these cxpressions to help you:
a can of Coke a jar of marmalade a kilo of beef
It's/It isn't their own fault.
It's because they're weak/greedy/
We should/n't try to help them.
They need medical attention/ ^Ed$5"m,Qffi
un d er s ta n ding / a dvice / p uni shm en t. g,o,sffDa
It's the parents' /television's/society's
b Find all the words in the text that describe size, quantity or
, weight and complete the table.
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,, Language focus: used to
After: Walter at 250 kilos ,. ,,. a Look at these sentences. What does used to mean?
Walter used to weigh over 630 kilos, but now he weighs 25O kilos,
Every morning now he drinks a x He used to eat enough for a family, but now he doesn't eot anything,
cocktail of vitamins in a pint of
He didn't use to take any exercise, but now he exercises every day.
orange juice, and during the day &.
he drinks a lot of water. And a * t b How do you think we make questions with used fo?
that's it. He also takes more :" Check the rules for used to in Grammar Reference 8.2.
exercise now. He still has a long ,
way to go, because he wants to *.,:' C What did Walter's life use to be like? Write sentences using this
get down to 85 kilos. That's the ,: information and used to.
right weight for someone of his e weigh 1 19 inches go outside drink
,,: eat watch TV stay in bed neck
'Food,' says Walter. 'is an *.
addiction. lt's worse than drugs d nsf other students about their life when they were children
or alcohol. You can just stop 9:: Use this information and Did you use to ...?
taking them. But you need food. , a have a favourite toy c read a lot
And it's everywhere.' Walter t c Where/ go on holiday r What school subjects/ like best
doesn't watch television any 1 , o have a pet . argue with your parents
more, because too many of the
r Where/ live r Who/ play with
adverts are about food. He hopes 1 o What games/ play e like school
that his example will help other
overweight people, especial ly
e Write down six things that used to be true about your life. Tell
children. He encourages mothers
a partner about them and answer your partner's questions.
to put photos of him on the
il fridge door. ' I want parents to
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:: say to their kids, "Do you want
to look that big? lf you keep
putting your hands in the fridge,
then that's how you'll look. 67
That's what Walter did."'