Page 70 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 70

8 Food and health


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                                                                 1  You will hear conversations  in a restaurant.
                                                                 a  ffil  a.; Listen and tick (/)what they order.
                                                                    E an aperitil            E wine
                                                                    Eastarter                Ed"tt".t
                                                                    E salad
                            tou1  of the da7                                                 E  coffee/tea
                          welot  and Tarma han                      E a main course          E  brandy
                             fruit  juiee
                            lrawfl  cocktoil                        ffi  s..3 Look at the menu  and listen again. What
                                                                    did the people  eat? Tick (/) each  person's  complete
                            #urT  ril
                                                                    order. What did they have to drink?
                         grillel  tront  with alnonlr
                      halibut  with crcan dfil tarro!ofl  toue
                             fillet  tteak
                         lamb  cholt with wint tqau
                          tannofl  with  TirleolTle
                        (all lerted with a green  talal or
                  freth  wgetablet, and  French  friet  or jacket   lotato)

                      telectior.  of  fruh  gstesut  anl lettertt
                           iu tean or torbet
                            freth fruit  talal
                           cheete  anl bircuitt

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                                           H ;  i:ii

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