Page 75 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 75
Possibilities 9
Rules Practice
1 rtre questionnaire uses the second 1 Cornpare your answers to the questionnaire with a partner.
conditional. Exa.mpr-E
a Complete this sentence lrom the A What would you do if you found some money?
questionnaire. B rd...
If you money, what A So would I./I wouldn't. I'd ...
vou do? 2 How would a psychologist analyse your answers?
What form of the verb is used a Discuss your ideas with your partner.
o in the f clause?
-some b lffi s.l Listen to a psychoiogist analysing the possible
o in the main clause?
questionnaire results and check your answers. Were you right?
2 When do we use the second The psychologist says, 'For most people, a lot would depend on
conditional? the circumstances.' Look again at your answers. In what
I ool' at there seniences. circumstances would you give a different answer?
If they offer me the job, I'll tdke it. 3 What is the first thing that you would do in these
If someone offe red me a job, I'd take it. imaginary situations?
Which sentence is taiking about: ExAMPLE
c a real situation? If I was ruler of the world, I'd ban nuclear wedpons.
* an imaginary situation?
o You are ruler of the world.
b Which tenses are used? o Your house catches fire.
h, Check the rules for the second a You see a car crash.
conditional in Grammar Reference c You win the national lottery.
9.2. a YoLr become head of your country.
* You are the boss of your companyicollege/school.
o You're in a bank when a robbery happens.
4 Think of three more hypothetical situations. Ask students
3 lf you saw your friend trying
in the class what they would do.
to steal something from a
shop, would you 5 Match a clause in A and a clause in B.
a do nothing?
ffi b tellyour friend to put
i;&Lil it back? If I found a credit card. I'11 be very happy.
-;:;::,ii c tell a shop assistant? I'll play the guitar if I see him.
If it's sunny tomorrow, I wouidn't use it.
ffii:; I'll tell him your news if you sing.
I'd go round the world she'd be very happy.
If Sarah got the iob, if I was rlch.
6 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
I If I found f 1,000,
money. 2 I'd be very sad.
b I'd drive the car anyway. ) If it rains this weekend,
c I wouldn't drive it except 4 If you study hard
in an emergency. 5 if you don't hurry.
;":' iiiii;ffi':;*^; :'i - 6 if T was Prime Minister
;r ,;itts#j iJ*til," ; ,i'
7 Write a questionnaire.
lf a shop assistant gave you
a Work in grolrps. Think o{ another topic for a questionnaire.
too much change, what
Here are some ideas.
would you do?
o How sensitive are you?
a l'd say nothing and take
o How hot-tempered are you?
the money. o How optimisticipessimistic are you?
l'd tell the shop assrtant
b Write some questions and work out the questionnaire results.
if I thought that helshe
c Try out your questionnaire on another group.
would get into trouble.
I'd give it back to the
shop assistant.