Page 67 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 67

Food and health 8

           2 When do we tuse some? When  do we use any?
           a ffil  S.l Read and listen to this dialogue.  Make a rule for
                                                                          Food and drink
             using some and any.
             A Have  you got any  money  for  the parking  machine?
             B  No, I'm sorry. I hdven't got any cash on me at all.          Look at these different  kinds of
             A  Oh, it's O[{. I can get some change at the shop over there.  food and.drink.
                                                                          a  Put C (countable) or U (uncountable)
              ffil  s.z Now read and listen to these dialogues.
                                                                             beside each one.
             A Are there any dpples?
                                                                             Where does each one go on the
             B Yes, but they aren't ttery good. Shall we get  some ordnges instead?
             A Would you Like some coffee?  l've just  made some.
             B Oh yes, pLease.  Could I have  some sugar in it, please?  Thanks.  tomatoes      yoghurt
                                                                               ice,cream        butter
             Find examples of some and any. Are there any that don't follow
             your rule lor ??                                                  e99S             grapes
           d  Complete  the rule.                                              riuts'          , biscuits,
                                                                               rrce,            pqpper9
              We normally use     for positive statements  and _   for         chocolate        prawns
              negative  statements  and questions.  But when a question is an  ..margarine  '  .  wine
               offer, suggestion or request,  we usually use   , not   .       cucumbers        lemonade
                                                                               breakfast cereal   chieken
                                                  -        -                  ,oranges .     ..bananas
                                                                              s.almon  i      ,  pork
                                                                               cod              peas
                                                                             'aream             tuna
           1  Look at this list of words.
                                                                              saus-ages         beef
               meat           moneyenvelope',paint.,].penciI                   ham              apples
               teq    :tornato  apples,  ,information ,,  neWs '  ,equipment   noodles          milk
                                                                               sweets           cakes
           a Which of these things are uncountable in English?
                                                                             Can you think of any more types of
           b Is this the same in your own language?
                                                                             food to add to the pyramid?
           z Complete these sentences  with some or any.
               I  Can I have _   more milk, please?                       2  What do you eat in a typical day?
              2  Has Jane got _   brothers or sisters?                    a  Make a list of what you eat and in
              f  I haven't got _   work to do.                               what quantities.
              4  Is there _   news about the new project?                    Compare  your  list to the pyramid.
              5  I've got _   news lor you.                                  What  differences  are there?
              6  There isn't _   information on the computer about this
              7  Would you like _   help?
              8  Could  you get me _   stamps,  please?
              9  We went out with _   friends last night.
              l0  Is there _   wine left?
           3  tvtake dialogues  like this, using the words in 1 .
             A I need  some ...
             B How much/many  do you need?
             A  Oh, only a little/few.
           4  You have invited two friends to dinner tonight.
           O Work with a partner  and plan a healthy  three-course meal.
           b  Compare your dinner with other students  in the class.  Whose
             dinner  is the healthiest?
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