Page 65 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 65
ln your life 7
4 Make true sentences about the brothers, using
,*Ha* H-k * this inforrnation and the present perfect tense.
p I; t fof, H,, :-1, T ; : L F-*f {
.i!. ';'t ;1i-+1,"." d. . [--n-"' I Emilio's life/ change/ a lot
2 Hel visit/ the capital city several times
] Emilio and Pilari be married/ over flft1, years
*tlio and Maximilian are brothers. The1, 61s
€--'' 4 Theyl lead/ a pcaceful life
"il--.both ol.1 men nou,. They grew up together on a 5 They/ be/ United States
farm in Argentina, but since then they have lerl 6 Emilioi work/ hard all his life
verlr {iff"."r-tt lives. When Emilio left school at the 7 Emilio and Max/ meet/ a long time
age of fourteen, he started work on their father's 8 Emilio/ read/ about Maximilian in the
farm. He reallv enjoyed the simple village life and
9 Max/ do/ a Iot of interesting things
when their father clied, Emilio took ovel the farm.
l0 Emilio/ see/ his brother on television
AU his life Emilio has lived in the old farmhouse
u,here he rvas born. 'l've never wanted to live 5 What do you think Max's Iife has been like?
anywhere else,' he says. 'This is my home. I feel a Here are some things that have played a part in his
that I'm part of it and it is part of me.' life. Work in groups and decide Max's lile story.
prison divorce ship Wall Street
r[ .. ti,r trver 70 years Emilio's life has changecl international jet set mcjdel
* vely lirrle. Whcn ht w,ls 22. he marrieJ his travel'
car crash buqinessrnan the Bahamas
childhood sweetheart, Pilar, from the next village,
drug addict television millionaire
and they have been happily married ever since.
Tr,r,o years ago they celebrated their golden ffi 7.5 Listen to the story of Maximilian's lile
wedding anniversary. It lvas a big celebration. and check your ideas.
Everybody from miles around was there, including
Discuss the questions, cornparing the lives of
Emilio and Pilar's six children and their lifteen
the two brothers.
grandchiltlren. I How does each brother feel about his life?
2 Which brother do you think has had the
Elmilio and Pilar have never been abroad. Until
better life?
f,,,h. *u,60, Emilio went to Buenos Aires once a
3 Which brother do you think is happier?
year, but since his sixtieth birthday he hasn't left 4 Which way of life would you prefer? Why?
the vi11age. 'We11, yes, I've had a good life,' he says,
Imagine an unusual lifestyle. Ilere are some
'but I hayen't dot-re vety much. \clu,, look at my
brother, Maximilian. He left the village as socrn as * a lashion model & a tycoon
he had the char.rce. He hasn't visited us very much * an actor/actress e a tramp
in the last twent)r years, but rve've read about hrm * a criminal
in the newspapers and we've seen him on TV, too. Work in a group of four. Each person takes a
Yes, Max has had :r very interesting life.' dilferent role. Imagine your liIe story.
Take it in turns to be interviewed by the group. The
group asks questions to find out as much as possible
about your life.
Read the text and mark the sentences True (/\, Exa,rarlrs
False (X\ or Don't know (?\. How long have you been a ...?
I Emilio has lived in thc' same place all his life. tr Why did yow become a ...?
2 He has become very rlch. tr How much money haw yow made as a ...?
I He is 74 years old. tr Have you ever ...?
4 He met Pilar when he was twenty years old. tr When did you ...?
5 He has been married three times. tr8 Write the story of your life so far, using this
6 Emilio and Pilar have been married for format:
52 years. tr Describe and give some details about
7 They went to Paris for their honeymoon. tr * what yor-r have done and when you did it.
I Maximilian is a farmer. tr a where you have lived and when you lived there.
9 He is younger than Emilio. tr * the mair-r events ln yotrr personal life.
l0 He has heen on television. tr Comment on your life. What has it been like so far?
tl He was at the goiden wedding. tr