Page 66 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 66

8             Food and health


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            Grammar in use                                      Rules

             1  Look at the text.                                I  t-ook at the two groups  of words.
            O Answer the questions.                             ?  Answer the questions.
               I  What is it about?                                t  Which can we make  plural?
               2  What  is the purpose oI the diet?                2 Which can we use d or an wtth?
               3 Who  is it for?
               4  Why  is it called the Pyramid diet?                              nouns                n.0u11s
            b  nead the text and complete the diagram.
                                                                     potato apple vitamin  bread pasta calcium
            2  Discuss  these questions.
               I  ls the Pyramid dict sensible?
               2  Is it appropriate Ior everyone?                b  Write the words uncountable  and countable at the top
               I  Would  it provide  an interesting  diet?         of the correct  columns.
                                                                 C  Find more  examples oI both types  of noun in the text.
                                                                 s" Check the rules lor countable and uncountable
               Yffiffi PYHq&ffiffiffi                              nouns in Grammar Reference  8.1.

                                       FOOD TYPES:
                                  +r/  --      --7


              .., carbohydrates                                                              fibre  and ?nergy

                We've had lhem all  the High Fibre  should eat. At the bottom of the  vitamins and minerals  as well as fibre.
                diet, the Protein  diet. the Hip and  pyramid are complex carbohydrates  Above fruit and vegetables are the
                Thigh diet.  And here's lhe latest  -  the  like bread,  pasta and potatoes. These  protejn-rich  foods  like meat, fish.
                Pyramid  diet But this   jsn't  a diet to  provide  fibrre and energy About 500/o  beans  and cheese.  These also  provide
                help  people  lose  weight.  lt's a diet for  of your dret should  be complex  a lot of calcium. These  prolein-rich
                a healthy life The Pyramid  diet is very  carbohydrates. At the second level are  foods should  be about 1Ba/a of  Yaur
                simple. Different  l(inds of food are at  fruit and vegetables,  such as apples  diet At the top of the pyramid  are fat,
                different  levels of the pyramjd  The  and carrots.  These should  be about  oil and sugar. We should  eat as iittle
                higher  up the pyramid. the less you  30a/o of your diet. They  provide  as possible  of things  at this level.

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