Page 139 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 139


           Question  5: lf a shop assistant  gave you too much  if there  was a power  cut?  B Oh,  yes, that'll  be n ce. And how about
           change,  what wou  d you do? Two po nts for  c and  Finally,  what  about  security?  The stores  bel eve that  lnvting Diane  and Peter?
           one  for b.                       the security  arches would stop shoplifters.  But how  A Sure,  Do  you th nk you could give  them a
           How  did you score?  Seven to nlne  points shows  a  would shoppers  feel  about the arches?  lf you just  ring? l'll get some  things  ready
           very honest person.  Four to s x points ls OK  you  forgot to scan something  ln the  trolley,  the a arm  B OK.
           are about average.  Less than  four points  well,  would ring when  you  went  through  the arch.  2 A Let's go out for a mea  tonlght.
           you're  not  very honest,  are you? And f you scored  Everyone in the store  would  ook  at you.  Wouldn't  B OK. Where?
           ten points -  you must  be joklng. You obvious  y  that be a blt embarrassing?  A The  Red Dragon?
            didn't  answer  this quiz  honestlyl  Smaft  shopping  sounds  very  simple,  but  wou d it  B lrlmm.  We went there  last time, l'd rather  try
            Seriously,  though, for most people  a lot would  need smart shoppers?  somewhere  d fferent.
            depend on the circumstances.  For example,  a ot of                 A Well,  what about  try ng that new ltallan  place
            peop e would keep  money  that they tound  jn  the  El to.t           near the station  what's  it called?
                                             Husband  This  year,  Karen,  l'm go ng to g ve up
            street if it wasn't very much,  But if they found a lot             B Mario's.  Yes, people say t's pretty good. Shal
                                               smoking.  lt won't  be easy.  But  'm not going to
            of money  ln a wa let, they would take it to the                      I book a table tor  nine  o'c  ock?
                                               touch another  cigarette.
            police station,                                                     A lt's all right, I don't  mind  doing  it. Could  you
                                             Wife You  won't  g ve up, You  make a resolutlon
            And some people would  buy  stolen goods if they                      pass the phone book?
                                               every  year,  but you never  keep  it.
            came from a shop or tactory, but  they wou  dn't buy                B Here you are.
                                             Friend I know,  l'11 qive up, too. Then  we can  keep
            them if they knew  they were stolen  from someone's                 A Thanks.
                                               an eye on each  other.
            h ouse                                                             3 A Would  you  like to go to the cinema  tonight?
                                             Husband  Greatidea,]ohn,           B No, I don't fancy  go ng out. l'm a bit tired.
            iEi  or                          Wife  Hmm.                         A Oh,  OK. Well, why don't we  hire  a video?
            Receptionist  Cood eve-:ng. s,.                                     B Yes, OK, but wou  d you  mind  golng to get  t?
            Guest  Good  evenlng.  Do  you have a reservation                     l'm just going to have a bath.
                                             Husband  lt's aL right. We won't  have  any  more.
             in the  name  of Jones,  please?                                   A No,  I don't  mind.  enloy  seeing  what they've
                                             Friend Mm,  no, we won't . .,   ,
            Receptionist  Just a mlnute,  s r. Yes,  here  we are.                got. What  do you  fancy?
             lYr A an Jones. Would  you like a single room  or a  A year later  B Oh anything  -  but nothing  too  serious,  And
             double, Mr.iones?               Wife  Happy  New  Year, Mike, Are you go ng to  why don't you bring a couple of pizzas back
            Guest  l'd prefer a double, if you've got  one.  break  your New  Year's  resolution  aga n this year?  with you?
            Receptionist  And how many  nights are  you  Husband No, this year  l'm going to keep  it.  A Good dea.  OK, see you  later.
             staying?                        Wife And why is this year  different?
            Guest  Three.                    Husband  Because  this year  l'm going to stop  El to.g
            Receptionist  Flne. Well,  could you  just fill in the  making  New  Year's  reso utionsl  lnterviewer  'Pleasure  is the  beg  nning  and the
             registration  form and  sign it at the  bottom,                     end of  I ving  happily.'  Those  are the words of
                                             El to.z                             the Greek  philosopher Epicurus,  who  lived
             p ease?
                                             IVly  husband's  going to go on a diet.  2,3OO  years  ago. People  have  a ways  tr ed to
            Guest  Yes, ceftalnjy.
            Receptionist  And how do you want to settJe  the  He  lsn't going to drlnk so much beer.  find  pleasure  and today we  have  many  more
                                              'm go ng to take more exerclse,    p easures  than  the Ancient Greeks  had. And yet
             bit ?
            Guest  By credit card, if that's all right.  l'm not going to work so hard,  we still don't  know a iot about this impoftant
                                             My son's going to have a halrcut.
            Receptionist  Yes, of course.  Could I just  take  an                pad of life. Here  in the studio  is Dr Jonathan
                                             He isn't golng to watch so much  TV.  Shamberg.  Good  evening,  Dr Shamberg.
             imprint of the card,  slr?
                                             Ivly  daughter's golng to tidy her bedroom.  Dr Shamberg  Good  evening.  lt's a pleasure  to be
            Guest Yes,  here  you are.
                                             She  isn't go ng to ta k on the  phone  for  hours,
            Receptionist  Thank  you.  And w ll you require a                    here,
                                             We're  going to be nicer to each  other,  lnteruiewer  Yes,  ndeed.  Well, what thlngs  give
             newspaper  and  a wake-up  ca in the morning?
            Guest  Yes, l'd like Ihe  Times and a ca I at 7.30,  We aren't going to argue  with  each  other.  people most p easure?
             please.                         El to.a                           Dr Shamberg  We don't all enjoy  the same  things
            Receptionist  7,30. Very  good, sir, Here's your                     Pleasure  means  different things to different
                                             How many calories  can you burn in one hour?  Well,
             key. Your  room number is 429. The  I ft is over                    people,  Some  people get pleasure  from  .jumping
                                             it all depends  on the activ  ty.
             there. Do you  need  any  help with your  uggage?                   out of aeroplanes  or drivlng at 2OO kph  For
                                             You use calorles  all the  time, even  when  you  are
            Guest No, thank you. l've on y got a small                           others pleasure  comes  from relaxing  in a hot
                                             resting,  Readlng, sleeping,  sittlng and sunbath  ng all
             suitcase.                                                           bath  or playing  with  children. Doing a crossword
                                             use about 60 calories  an hour.
            Receptionist  Well,  enjoy  your stay.                               or repairing  the  car  give other peop e pleasure
                                             Very I ght activltles  use 75 calories,  Examples are
            Guest  Thank  you.                                                 lnterviewer  What's  the purpose  of p easure?
                                             eating,  writing,  knitt ng, shaving,  driving  and washing  Why  does it ex st?
            El  g.z                          up.                               Dr Shamberg  Well,  if pleasure  didn't  exist,  we
                                             Light  activit es which use about  I 00 calories  an
            Smart shopping,  Would t be a good  thing?  Well, et's               wouldn't  exist, Pleasure  is important  for  human
                                             hour lnc ude playing  the plano,  gettlng dressed  and
            conslder  some  of the advantages  and disadvantages,                survival.  lf we want to suryive,  we have to do
            The  supermarkets  thlnk  that t would be a good  having  a shower.  three things  -  eat,  have children, and get on
            thing. it would be quicker  and there  wou d be no  Under  moderate  actlv ties  which use between  1 O0  with  each  other. lf these  th ngs  give p easure,
                                             and 2OO  calories  an hour  we can  put  walking,  doing
            queues  at the checkouts.  They also think  that prices              we want to do them, So we suryive.  That's  why
            would come  down, because they wouldn't need  housewor<.  slopp ^g and skat ng  we  qet so much  pleasure  from food, being in
                                             Energetic  actlvities  use  2OO-4OO  calories.  These
            checkout  assistants. So they  would save money. Of                  love,  and socializing.
                                             inc ude horse  riding,  cycling,  sw mming,  skipping
            course, the checkout  ass stants wouldn't  I ke that.              lnteruiewer  But what ls p easure?
            They'd lose their  jobs.         and  dancing.                     Dr Shamberg  Pleasure  is a chemical  reaction in
                                             Flna y there are  strenuous  actlv ties wh ch use  up to
            But would  the  stores  real y need fewer people?  They              the  brain.  When we do someth  ng that we  enioy,
                                             600 calorles  an hour.  These  act vities inc ude
            wouldn't need checkout  assistants,  but they'd need                 endorphlns  and noradrenaline  are  produced
                                             cl mbing  stairs,  jogging,  digging the garden  and
            techn  cians to look  after  and repalr the machlnes.                These  stlmulate pleasure  centres in the  brain,
            And technicians  earn more  money than  checkout  play ng football,  Interviewer And is pleasure  good for you?
            assistants, The  shops  would  also need  more  security  tEl  10.4  Dr Shamberg  Oh yes. The happier  you are ihe
            guards  and they'd  need asslstants to help  customers  ,IA          onger you will  ive.  But  it isn't the  great
                                                 What  are we going to do today?
            when  there  were problems,                                          moments  of pleasure  that are mportant. Happy
                                               B I don't  know, Do  you  fancy  going to the
            What about the shoppers?  What would happen  if you                  peop e enjoy  the  ordinary  everyday  thlngs  of life,
            put  somethlng  back on the shelves?  What would
                                               A No,  not really,  I don't thlnk  it's warm enough  like  cook  ng a meal,  going for  a wa k or chatting
            happen  lf a child put  extra things in the  trolley  or ran
                                                 But we could go for a picn c in the country,  w th a friend.
            the pen over  Lots  of things  on the she ves?  Would
                                               B Yes, that's a good idea.  Where  shal  we go?  lnterviewer  I see.  Well,  let's talk some more
            people  really trust  the computers?  You can watch  an              about your research  into  p easure  ,,,
                                               A Why don't we go to that  p ace  by the  rlver?
            assistant  and you  can argue  with an assistant, but
                                                 You know,  we went there with  your  friend
            you  can't  with a computer.  And what  wou d happen
                                                 from Spa  n.
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