Page 140 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 140



          El                         Telephonist  One  moment,  p ease. l'm sorry, the  up when it entered  the atmosphere.  But  not  all of it
          California dreaming                ne's  engaged.  Would  you lke to hold?  was destroyed. Large  pleces  were scaliered across
                                           Ray Porter  Yes, OK.  l'll hang  on,  the  lndian  Ocean.  Australia  was hit by some
          Al the  leaves are brown,
                                           Telephonist  l'm sorry  to keep  you, l'm afraid  the  fragments.  Fortunately  nobody  was hurt.  A lot of
          And the sky is  qrey.
                                             line's still busy.              the  pieces  were found by Austrailan  farmers.  The
          l've been  for  a waLk
                                           Ray Porter Well, can I eave a message  for  her?  p;eces  we,e  sold lor very ] gh prces.
          On a winter's  day.
                                           Telephonist  Just one moment,  please.  l'm  just
          l'd be safe  and  warm                                             El tz.z
                                             puttlng you  through to her  secretary,
          lf I was in LA.                                                    1 A Peter and I are getting  married.
                                           Man Hello,  Sales Depaftment.
          California  dreaming
                                           Ray Porter  Hello.  Could  i leave a message  for  B Congratulatlonsl  When's  the happy  day?
          On such a winter's  day,                                           2 A l've got an lntervlew  for  a job today.
                                             Kathy  Seaton,  please?
          Stopped into a church            Man l'm sotry. I think you've got the wrong  B Good  luckl 1'll keep my fingers  crossed for you.
          I passed  along  the way,          extension.  .lust one moment,  please.  3 A lohn  can't play today t seems  he's had  an
          We  ,  I got down on my knees    Telephonist Hello.Switchboard.       accident,
          And I began  to pray.            Man  Could  you transfer  this call to Kathy  Seaton  B Oh dear.  t's nothing serlous,  I hope.
          You know  the preacher  likes the cold,  please?                   4 A Did you know  Tony  and Rosie have split up?
          He  knows l'm gonna  stay.       Telephonist R ght, l'm just putting you  through  B Oh,  really?  When  did that happen?
          Cal fornia dreaming                now.                            5 A I won the go d medal  in the  race.
          On  such  a wlnter's  day.       Secretary Hello,  extension 233, Kathy  Seaton's  B Wel donel I knew  you could do it.
                                                                             6 A l'm expecting a baby,
         All the  leaves are brown,                                           B That's wonderful  newsl  When's it due?
                                           Ray Porter  Hello.  My name's  Ray Porter.  Could
         And the sky is grey.                                                7 A I'm afrald I failed my driving test,
                                             leave  a message  for  Kathy,  please?
          l've been  for a walk
                                           Secretary  Cerlainly,  Vlr  Porter.  B Oh well, never  mlnd. Better luck next t mel
          On a winter's  day.                                                8 A Have you heard?  Sue had her baby  on
                                           Ray Porter  Could  you  tell  her that l'm going to
          1f I didn't tell her                                                  Saturday.
                                             be in London  next  Tuesday?  Can we get
          I cou d leave today.                                                B Oh wonderfull  Was it a boy or a gir?
                                             together for a meal?
         Californla  dreaming                                                9 A Happy Birthday,  lYummyl
                                           Secretary  Oh,  l'm sorry, Mr  Porter,  but  Mrs
         On such  a winter's  day.                                            B Thank  you  very much.  How sweet of you.
                                             Seaton  is going to be in Japan  a I next week.
          El tt.r                            Mr Porter?  Mr Porter?  Strange.  He's hung up.  El tz.s
         Presenter  The atest plctures  of a member  of the  El tr.e         Pure gold is rare, lt's been  used for over  6,000
           royal  fam ly have shocked many  people,  The
                                           I  Woman  The  most  difficult event  for me was the  years, but there  are still  only  about 1 1 O,OO0 tons in
           photographer was lason  Sau . He's a member  of
                                             Wall. We had to climb  this huge  wall. lt's over 1O  ihe world. lt is usually mixed  with other  metals, The
           the  paparazzl  and he's with me now. How did
                                             metres  high.  That was bad  enough,  but  then  after  propodion  of gold is shown  ln carats. Pure gold is
           you get these photographs?
                                             I 0 seconds  two  of the G adiators  followed  us  up  24 carat and  the cheapest  is 9 carat. The word corot
         Jason Saul  t wasn't easy.  I couldn't  get close  to
                                             the wall. They  had to try and pull us off the wall  comes  from  the Greek word,  kerotlon, which means a
           the  house,  so I had to use  a very long lens.  I                carob  seed. These seeds  were used to weigh gold
                                             before  we got to the top, Scorplo  was  chasing
           was hiding ln a tree. I could see the who  e                      and  d amonds.
                                             me and Jet  was  chasing  the other contender.  l
           house  from there but it wasn't veru  comfodable
                                             told  myself:  don't  look  down. I knew  that if  I  Most  gold  today is found in South Africa  (61 2 tons  a
           and it was cold,  too.
                                             looked  down and saw  Scorpio,  that would be the  year)  and North  America  (459  tons a year),  About
         Presenter  How lonq did you  have to wait?                          A3qa of it is used for jewellery.  Of the rest about  9%
                                             end.  So I had to climb  and  climb and ignore  this
         Jason Saul  Only  a couple of days.  For other
                                             Gladiator  behind me.  But I did it. I reached  the  is used by industry,  about  6% is used for coins  and
           photos l've had to wait for  several  days,  but this
                                            top  of the wall  and I got ten points  for that.  The  ZVo is made lnto  gold  teeth.  Gold  is usually found in
           time lwas  lucky,                                                 very  small pieces  or'nuggets'.  The  largest  nugget,
                                             other girl wasn't so lucky. Jet caught her and
         Presenter  Some  people say that you shouldn't  do
                                             pulled her off the wall.       the  Holtermann  Nugget,  was found in  1 872  in
           this, because  it isn't fair to the royal  family,                Australia,  lt weighed 214 kilograms.
                                           2 Man  I remember  Hang Tough  the  best.  I was
         Jason Saul  lt's parl of public life.  lf you enloy  the           The  argest  reserves  of gold  are he d in the USA in
                                            against  Saracen.  He's  rea ly good at this event.  ln
           good  things,  you have to accept  the problems.
                                             Hang Tough  there's a platform  each  side  of the  the Federa  Reserue  Bank and  Fort Knox, The second
           And ]f you  don't want photos like this in the
                                            arena.  I was  on one  and  Saracen was  on the  biggest  stores  are  held  by the Bank of England and
           magazines,  you have to be more  careful.  They
                                            other one,  Between  us there  were sixty rlngs  the Bank  of France. Not all of this gold belongs  to
           didn't  have to do it by the window.
                                            about  1 2 feet off the ground,  Anyway  I had to  the governments  of these  countries.  A lot of it is
         Presenter  Are  you golng to try to get more
                                            swing across the arena and  get  to Saracen's  owned  by companies,  other  governments,  and
                                             piatform,  He had to try and stop me. Well,  I was  lndividuas.  When  go d is bought  and sold,  it isn't
         Jason Saul  Wel,  I won't  be able to use the same                  usually moved.  Only the names on a piece of paper
                                            about halfway  across  when he caught me,  He put
           tree again,  They've  chopped it down. So l'l have               are changed.  The gold itself stays  in the bank.
                                            hls  legs  round me, but he dldn't  pull me down. I
           to find  somewhere  else.  Or maybe  l'll use the
                                            hung  on for the whole minute  and  so I scored  The first  gold coins  were  used  in Turkey  in 670  BC,
           money  from these photos to buy  a longer lens.
                                            five po nts. That  was the  longest  minute  of my  But gold has always  been accepted  as money
           Then  I'  be able  to take pictures  from further
                                            whole life and l'm sure  my arms were longer  anywhere  ln the  world. Sai  ors, for example,  used to
           away  and lwon't have to sit in an uncomfodable
                                            aftemards,  But ldid  it. lscored  five points  wear  a gold earing.  lf they  were  shipwrecked,  they
           tree.                                                            could  pay to get home  again. Gold  is still  given to
                                            against  Saracen. And  that felt really  greatl
         El rr.z                           3 Man Ah yesl Duel. That was the shortest  event  ri  tarT pi ors for  rhe  same  reasor.
                                            for me. I was  on a platform  and Trojan was  on  People  have always  been fascinated  by god. How
         Ray Porter  Oh, I must phone Kathy  Seaton  and
           tell her that I'm going to be in London  next  another  platform.  Now Tro]an s blg,  and  I mean  many crimes  have been  commilred  and  how  many
                                            big with a capital  B. We  , we both  had a big stick  lives  have been  lost for it? The gold of the Pharaohs
           week. Now  where's the  number?  Ah, here  we
           are  Nuffield Electronics,  0171 453 8972.  called a pugil  stlck  -  and we had to knock each  ws stolen  from  their  tombs in the BTramids.  The
                                            other  off the platform  or stay on the platlorm  for  lnca and Aztec  empires  were  destroyed  for gold.
         Telephonist  Good morning. Nuffield Electronics.
           lzly name's  Tracy.  How may  I help  you?  60 seconds.  60 seconds!  I didn't last six  seconds.  Hundreds  of men  died in the  jungles  of South
                                            Trojan  swung  his stick  and whoompf  ) was on the  America  as they searched  for the golden  city  of
         Ray Porter  Oh, good  morning  Could I have
                                            floor, lncredible.              Eldorado,  n 1 849 thousands  of people  left the r
           extension 233, please?
                                                                            homes to join the California Gold  Rush.  Many were
         Telephonist  One moment,  please,  i'm sorry,  Etr tz.t
           caller,  there's no reply,                                       kil ed by Indians, outlaws  and  disease.
                                           ln 1973 a 75-tonne  space  statlon caled  Skylab
         Ray Porter  Oh, OK.  I'll try again later,                          El te.t
                                           was launched  by the  USA.  Three  crews of three
         Ray Porter  Well,  let's try Kathy  again.  astronauts  were sent  to Skylab,  but at the  end  of  V\ielL,  let's see, ln 1973, I'd finlshed school,  but  I
         Telephonist  Good  afternoon.  Nuffield  Electronics.  I 974, lt was  abandoned,  Skylob  stayed in space  hadn't left home by then, l'd seen the Beatles  of
           My  name's  Tracy. How may  I help you?  unti 1 979. Then  it fell out of its orbit and headed  course  -  on the TV and n concert,  too. And my
         Ray Porter Could  I speak to Kathy  Seaton, please?  towards the  Eadh, A lot of the space  stat on burnt  hair was still lovely  and  fair. lt hadn't turned greyl
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