Page 137 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 137
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Assistant Thank you. That's !7.50 change. El o.t Robin lt was nearLy ten years ago, so I was about
Customer T^ank you. Goodbye. 22. I was worklng as a builder at the time and I
One afternoon I went upstairs to have a bath. As I
was also the singer with a band in my free time.
Eo-l < c was gettlng into the bath, the telephone rang in the
Anyway, we were building some houses near
'l Customer How much is this jacket? hal, I was expectlng an important caL, so I ran
Farnham in Suney. lt was about half past ten in
Assistant lt's €62, downstalrs. There was nobody e se at home, so I the morning and most of the other men were
didn't qet dressed again. However, while I was
Customer Have you got lt in brown? having their tea break. They were llstenlng to
standing in the hall with nothlng on, I heard voices
Assistant Let me see. Yes, here you are. the radio. I was working on the roof of one of
outslde the front door. lt was my teenage daughter
Customer Yes, yes, that looks fine, l'll take it. the houses, There was another guy near me. He
As,sistant Thank you. Anything else? and her friends, but I couldn't get back upstairs in was painting the w ndows of the next house.
time. I put down the phone, ran lnto the living room
Customer No, thank you, that's all. Well, as I said, I sang with a band ln my free
and hid behind the curtains. Unfortunately, the
2 Assistant Can I help you? time and we'd made a record, called Wild ane.
wlndow cleaner was cleaning the living room
Customer Oh, no, thank you. l'm on y looking, None of the other guys at work knew about lt.
windows. When I suddenly appeared, the poor man
Assistant OK. Let me know if you need any Anyway, t came on the radio. The man palnting
fell off his ladder. Forlunately, when my daughter
help. the wlndows said, 'Great. I think this record's
and her friends heard the noise, they ran outside.
Customer Thank you. stunning. f it doesn't reach number one, I' eat
When I looked out of the window, they were helping
3 Assistant Can I he p you? my paint brush.' I felt very excited when he said
Customer Yes, l'd like to try these shoes ln a the window cleaner. So I went upstairs and put on a that, but I didn't say an)'thing. But then when the
dressing gown. Luckily the window c eaner wasn't
ci-a /
^t^-.a record finished the Dl came on and said, 'There,
Assistant Yes, just a moment. ... l'm sorry 'un. bLT ir was all very embarrassing.
straight nto the charts this week at number 1 1
but we've on y got them in a four and a half. El e.z is Wild One'.
Do you warl Io Iry lter 01? Presenter And what dld you do?
Conversation 1
Customer Erm, yes, alrght. .,. No, I'm afraid
Tourist Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get Robin Well, that was enough for me. I climbed
they're too big. down the ladder. L gave my bag of tools to the
to the station, please?
Assistant Would you ke to try an),thing else?
Passer-by The station. Let me see .,, Oh yes, Go other guys and said, 'Here, you can have these.
Customer No, I'l leave it. Thanks anyway.
down this road. Take the second, no, the third l'm off.'And I left, Two weeks later our record
Assistant Thank you.
turning on the left. That's Canning Street. hlt number one and we had several more hits
4 Customer Excuse me. Cou d I try these jeans
Tourist CanningStreet? aft-^r that.
on, please? Presenter So a normal day became the starl of
Passer-by Yes. Go along Canning Street and carry
Assistant Cerla - y. -he cna-ging ,oons a.e an exciting new life for Robin. For Katherine lt
on until you come to the second set of traffic
' or er rhere.
lights. Turn rlght there and you'll see a bridge in was also the start of a new life, but .. .
Customer Thank you.
front of you. Don't go under the bridge. The Katherine Oh yes, it was a normal day - a very
Assistant Are they a L rlght? norma day. Thal was the problem, lt was two
station is on the left just before it.
Customer No, l'm afraid they're too tight.
Tourist So that's down here and take the third years ago now about eight o'clock in the
Have you got them in a larger size?
turning on the left. evening.
Assistant Yes, here you are,
Passer-by Yes, then carry on a ong there ... Presenter What were you doing?
Customer Thank you.
Tourist Till I come to some traffic lights. Katherine We were sittlng in the lving room. My
Assistant Are they any betler?
Passer-by To the second set of traffic lights. It's husband was sitting in an armchair, He was
Customer Yes, they're fine, l'll take them.
a big crossroads and there's a BP garage on the reading the paper, as he aways did. I was
How much are they? sitting on the sofa. I was knitting, Our daughter
corner, You can't m ss it.
Assistant They're €34, was expecting a baby, you see - our first
Tourist So to the second set of traffic lights, then
5 Customer Could have this jumper, please?
turn r ght? grandchild - and I was knitting a little cardlgan
Assistant Ceftainly. Anything else?
Passer-by Yes, turn right and the entrance to the for it. Yellow, it was. There was a qulz show on
Customer Yes, have you got any grey tights?
station ls just before the bridge - between the the TV. lt was Strlke it Lucky. lsn't t nteresting
Assistant Are these OK?
bridge and the garage, in fact. how you remember these details? But we
Customer No, they aren't dark enough. weren't really watching it.
Tourist And how far is lt?
Assistant What about these?
Passer-by Oh, it's a good ten minutes'walk. Presenter And what happened?
Customer Ots yes. rhey ll oe 5ne. Katherine Wel , as I said, we were just having a
Tourist Thank you.
Assistant ls that all?
norma evening at home, when suddenly my
Customer Yes, thank you, Conversation 2 husband put down hls newspaper and said, 'l'm
Assistant Well, that's €22.90 altogether then, Tourist Excuse me. Can you teli me where the sorry, but I can't stand this any longer. I'm tota y
please. George Hotel is? bored with our marriage. I don't love you and
First passer-by No, l'm sorry, love. l'm a stranger want a divorce.'
El s.e here myself.
You've got whdt it tokes Presenter How did you feel?
Tourist Excuse me, Do you know where the Katherine Well, was stunned. I dldn t know what
You don't drive a big, fast car.
George Hotel is? to think or feel.
You don't ook like a movie star,
Second passer-by The George? Yes, of course. Presenter What did you do?
And on your money we won't get far.
It's in Carlton Square opposite the clock tower. Katherine I didn't do anlthing, lt's funny but I just
But baby,
Tourist How do I get there? carried on with the cardigan. But my husband
You've got what it takes
Second passer-by Oh, it's quite easy to find. Turn went upstalrs and packed a suitcase. When he
To satlsfy.
left here just past the zebra crossing. Then go came downstairs I was still knitting, ljust couldn't
You've got what lt takes
straight on for about a hundred yards and you'll be ieve what was happening. He said, 'l'm
To set my soul on fire,
come to Carlton Square on your right. When you leaving,' and I said, 'Would you like a cup of tea
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa yeah
turn into the square, you'11 see the c ock tower, first?' I don't know why I said that. lt just came
You've got what it takes for me,
and the George Hotel is on the right next to the out automatically, Anyway, he just said, 'Oh my
Now you don't live in a beautiful place.
post office. Godl ls that all you can say?' I wanted to talk
And you don't dress in the best of taste,
Tourist Thank you very much. about it, but he wasn't interested. He just p cked
And nature didn't give you such a beautiful face
Second passer-by Oh, not at al . I think the hotel up h s suitcase and left.
But baby,
car park is behind the hotel, by the way, Presenter Finaly we come to David's story,
You've got what it takes. ,.
Tourist Oh, thank you, David is a bank manager,
Now when you're near me
Oo-ee El e.s David Oh yes, I can remember it as if it was
My head goes round and round, Presenter ln this week's edition of /t wos o yesterday. I was at work at the time - at the
bank, I was having a meetlng with my statf. We
And when you kiss me normal doy we hear stories from Rob n,
were a sitting around the big table in my office.
Oo-ee Katherine and David. They tell us about
It was a rather boring meeting, but most
My love comes tumbling down. normal days which became very unusual days,
meetings are, I suppose. Anyway, while Sarah
You send me. First Robin's story.