Page 134 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 134
ffi o.t the piano? 3 A When does the programme stad?
1 O ls there a plant on the cupboard? B Which programme?
Host lYary, can I introduce you to Gianni? He's
'I 1 How many flowers are there in the vase on A You know, that new series about plants that
studying English here in Bournemouth,
the coffee table? we want to record,
Mary Hello. Plexed to meet you.
12 Are all the flowers the same colour? B Oh yes,.lust a minute. Er. At twenty pmt nine.
Gianni Pleased to meet you, too.
'13 ls this true? There are three mice by the wall. A Well, we should set the timer then,
Mary Where are you from, Gianni?
14 Where are the children sitting? because we re going out at nine.
Gianni l'm from ltaly near Bologna.
1 5 How many things are there on the walls? 4 A Excuse me. Whai time does the next train
Mary And why are you studying English here?
15 What is there in the large picture? leave?
Gianni I need it for my iob.
17 What's the time? B The London train?
Mary Really? So, what do you do?
'18 What music is on the piano? A Yes,
Gianni I work in a bank an international bank.
I 9 ls there anlthing on the ceiling? B Twenty-three minutes past two.
Mary Oh, I see. Did you learn English at schoo!?
20 How many animals are there in the room? A Thank you.
Gianni Yes, and at university, too. But l've forget
... er .., forget? ffi t.t 5 A You're listening to Radio West on 96.9 Flvl.
It's I8 minutes past three on this Wednesday
Mary Forgotten. She always does exactly the same things.
Gianni Yes, of course. l've forgotten a lot of it. She wakes up at seven o'clock. B Oh, I must go. The bus goes at hventy past.
lYy biggest problem is listening. People talk very She doesn't get up iill quarter past seven.
quickly and I can't understand them. 6 A Hello,
She switches on the radio. B Good morning. This is your wake-up call. lt's
Mary But do you like studying English? She listens to the news.
quarter to eight. Have a nice day,
Gianni Oh yes. lt's an interesting language and She goes to the loo. A Thank you.
it's very useful. I can talk to pople from all over She brushes her teeth.
the world ... and I can understand the words of She has a shower, 7 A Good afternoon. Gino's.
B Oh, hello. Could I reserue a table for this
my favourite songs, too! She dries her hair. evening, please?
Mary Well, that's a very good reason. She chooses her clothes, A Certainly. What tjme, madam?
Gianni But whai about you? What do you do? She gets dressed. B Half past seven, please.
Mary l'm a student, l'm studying chemistry at the She doesn't have any breaKffit, A How many people is it for?
local university. L ..
ffi t.z B Two, please,
ffi o.s Christine gets up first at about seven o'clock. She A What name is it?
Carol Good morning, AA lnsurance. lviy name's goes downstairs and hm breakfast early, because B Baker.
Carol. How can I help you? A And a ielephone number, please?
she staris work at eight o'clock.
Mr A Hello. l'd like a quotation for car insurance, When lwake up, lswitch on the radio and listen to B 896573.
Carol Certainly, sir. Can ltake some details, the news. Then I get up and have a shower. I go A Thank you, Ms Baker. We'll see you at 7.3O
pleme? What's your surname? this evening. Goodbye.
downstairs at about quarter past seven.
Mr A lt's Allenson. Sam comes down at about half past seven. She 8 A Could I make an appointment with Dr Clark,
Carol Could you spell that, please? doesn't like the radio, so she switches on the please?
Mr A Yes, it's A-double L-E-N-S-O-N. television and watches the breaklasl programme. B Yes, can you come tomorrow morning at
Carol And what's your first name, Mr Allenson? She always turns up the volume too loud, so we 1 1.OO?
Mr A Geoffrey. usually have an argument about that. A No, l'm sorry, Tomorrow's no good for me,
Carol ls that with a l? Colin goes to college and he's always late. He l'm afraid, Have you got anything on
Mr A No, it's the other spelling, G-E-O-double doesn't usually have breakfast. He runs downstairs Thursday morning?
F.R-E-Y. at the last minute, and hurries out to get the bus. B .lust a moment. ls twenty-five pmt eleven all
Carol Thank you. And what's your address, Mr But he usually misses it, so then ltake him in my right?
Allenson? car and l'm late for work. A Yes, that's fine. Thank you,
Mr A lt's 95 Sirdar Street. That's S-|-R-D-A-R. I like the weekends, because everyone stays in bed B What name is it, pleme?
Carol And where's that? Iate. But I don't stay in bed. I get up first and have A Mrs K. Walker.
Mr A lt's in Harrop, Kent. my breakfmt in peace! B So ihat's 11.25 on Thursday, Mrs Walker.
Carol How do you spell Harrop? A Thank you. Goodbye.
Mr A lt's H-A-double R-O-P, And that's in Kent. ffi t.e 9 A Hello, ABC Tais.
Carol And what's the postcode, ple6e? They can do what they like. But why should I pay B Could I book a taxi to the airport, please?
Mr A lt's LA19 7ZQ for it? Their social security benefits come out of my A Certainly. Which day?
Carol HA1 9 7ZQ? tiles. We shouldn't pay them to do nothing. B Tomorrow.
Mr A That's right. Maybe they don't do any harm. But that's not the A And what time do you want the taxi?
Carol And the telephone number with the area point. lt's my land and they shouldn't be here, B At ten to twelve, please.
code first, please? It's terrible. The music is so loud and they look so A Fine. What's the address, please?
Mr A The area code is 01469 and the number is dirty. And the children! They should be at school. B lt's 1 28 Carlton Street ...
387 double 5 double 3. People only complain because they're jealous, ffi t.s
Carol Thank you. How old are you, Ivlr Allenson? Every society needs its rebels. We should leave
Every hour nearly 1 5,0OO babies are born. The
Mr A I'm 24. them alone. world's population incremes by 9,3OO, and the
Carol And what's your occupation? Well, I don't understand it. He comes from a good world spends over $1OO million on weaPons.
Mr A l'm a shop msistant. home. We're respectable people. He shouldn't live
ln a lifetime of 65 years the average person watches
Carol Fine. Now, can I have some details of the Iike that. television lor 1 2 years, and sleeps for almost 22
vehicle? What make and model is it? We don't do any harm. Why shouldn't we live the
Mr A lt's a Volkswagen Golf Gti. And it's . .. way we want to? It's a free country. Your heart beats approximately 75 times in a
Freedom? Huh. They're just lzy. They should get
ffi o.+ jobs. And if they don't, we should put them in minute. ln that same 60 seconds you breathe in
1 How many people are there in the picture? prison or in the army, about 1 8 times and you blink 1 7 times. You lose
2 Where is the cat? between 50 and lOO hairs and more than a litre of
3 ls this true or false? There are tvvo men at the EE t.+ sweat daily.
table. 1 A What's the time? ln one hour the world drinks 22,5OO,OOO Coca-
4 ls the piano lid open or closed? B lt's five past one, Colas. McDonald's hamburger shops serve 91 6,5OO
5 What is there on the window sill? 2 A What time is our meeting tomorrow? customers. People buy enough BIC ballpoint pens to
6 How many video cassettes are there under the B 1O.3O, I think. draw a line round the equator I 60 times.
video recorder? A Are you sure? ln one year people in Britain drink 73 billion cups of
7 Is there anyone in the armchair? B I'll just have a look in my diary. Here we are. tea, Per head they eat 65 loaves of bread and 1 57
8 ls there a boy in the garden? No. lt's at ten o'ciock in my office. eggs. Each person drinks 21 6 pints of milk, 50
9 How many people are there in the photos on A OK. Thanks. bottles of wine and 2O7 pints of beer. But Britain is