Page 135 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 135
only hryentieth in the league of alcohol drinking Mrs S Oh, when was that? Anyway, we moved back to Britain, because my
colrntries. Gloria Last summer. That's my husband, Oliver. father got a job in Scotland, but ...
ln one hour Volkswagen makes 1 66 cars at its Mrs S And this is your father at the end? Sally He didn't like it. Right?
factory in Wolfsburg, Germany. ln the same period Gloria Yes, and that's my mother sitting in the Geoff Right. lt was too fur north too cold, you
of time the Hero Bicycle Company of lndia produces middle there. see. So after about six months we moved down
59'1 bikes and the Reynolds Tobacco Company in Mrs S ls this your sister beside your mum? to South London, I was about ten by this time.
the United States produces 13,640,A72 cigarettes. Gloria Yes, that's my big sister, Marion. Sally Good heavens! And how long did you stay
Every hour over a 1,OOO planes take off or land Mrs S lYmm. She looks like you. there?
somewhere in the world, and there are l l recorded Gloria Yes, I suppose she does. That's her Geoff Oh, that was the last stop. I started
earthquakes. husband Aaron behind her. secondary school, you see, so we stayed there
Mrs S And these are their children, I assume. till I left school and went to university, But soon
El z.z Gloria Yes, those are my two nephews, Ben on after that, my parents moved,
I work for a construction company. We build roads, Sally Where did they go this time?
the left and losh on the right, and my brother
dams, bridges and things like that. At the moment Geoff Well, my sister got married and went to live
is holding my little niece, Rebecca.
my company is producing a plan for a new in Australia. So my parents followed, Lots of
Mre S Mmm. She's very sweet. And what about
motoMay. I usually work in the roads department, your brother? Tell me about him. sunshine there.
but this month l'm working in the department that
Gloria Well, he's still single, but he's got a Sally And where are they now?
builds bridges. So my whole working day is girlfriend. Her name's Alison, Well, she's his Geoff Oh, they're still there.
different just now, I normally spend a lot of time
fianc6e really, because they're engaged, but Sally And when did you come to Canada?
outdoors, because I go to the construction sites. they're not in any hurry to get married yet. Geoff Oh, about two years ago, when I got a
But with this new project l'm spending a lot of time
Mrs S I see. Well, they're still young. What does place at the universiiy. But, anyway, ihat's my
in the workshop. At the moment we're testing a your faiher do? life story. What about you? Where are you from?
model of one of the new bridges. l'm enloying it a
Gloria He's a salesman for a chemical flrm. Sally Well, my life seems a bit boring after that. I
lot, because l'm learning a lot of new things. Mrs S Oh really? Where does he work? ls he ., was born in . ..
ffi z.s El s.t ffi s.s
Mary When can we get together to discuss a few Reporter Mrs Schearer, may I ask you some It was 1 963 and Rodney Fox was in the sea otf the
things, Alan?
questions? coast of South Austalia. lt wm the annual spear-
Alan Just a mjnute, let me get my diary. Right, Mrs S Oh, all right then. fishing championship. Fox did well that day. He
This week?
Reporter When did lvlarie meet lv]arcus? caught a lot offish and he tied them to a small buoy.
Mary OK, We need about two or three hours. Mrs S When she was only 13 years old. There was a rope from the buoy to his belt.
What about today? Are you free this morning?
Reporter When did she leave home? Near the end of the day, he looked down and saw a
Alan No, sorry. Some people from Poland are Mre S When she was I 6. iarge fish on the sand below him. He dived down to
coming to see us, But they're leaving at midday,
Reporter Where was the wedding? get it. Suddenly sornething hit him, lt knocked the
so the afternoon's free. Mre S ln Gretna Green. spear gun from his hand and pushed him through
Mary No, I can't make that. We're interuiewing for Reporter Why weren't you there? the water. He looked round and saw that he was in
a new secretary. Mrs S Because we didn't know an)4hing about itl the mouth of a shark. lt w6 a great white shark, one
AIan Are you doing anything on Tuesday? Reporter How did you find out about it? of the largest and most dangerous sharks in the
Mary Well, l'm giving a lecture at 1O,OO and l'm Mrs S I saw a photograph of the wedding ln world.
going to the dentist in the afternoon. How about
the papers. Quickly he pushed his fingers into the shark's eyes.
lunch? Reporter How did you feel? The shark opened its mouth and Fox escaped,
Alan No good, I'm afraid. I'm having lunch with Mrs S I was very angry and upset, of coursel swimming as fast as possible to the surface. He
Peter. ls Wednesday afternoon any good for IVy only daughterl thought he was safe, but when he looked down he
you? I'm going to an exh bition in the morning,
Reporter What did you do? saw the shark's huge mouth just below him again.
but the afternoon's free. Mrs S I shouted at Marcus' mother and pulled So he kicked the shark's nose hard and it turned
Mary No, l'm sorry. That's no good for me. l'm away. But then it atlacked the fish on the buoy, lt
her hair,
meeting the director at 2,30. Reporter Did anyone try to stop you? swallowed the buoy and the fish. lt dived down and
Alan Well, l'm afraid that's it for this week, then.
Mrs S lYarcus did, but I hit hlm, too. the rope on his belt pulled Fox under the water
l'm going to Holland on Thursday morning. aqain,
Mary On yes, so you are. When are you Loning ffi s.z He thouqht that this was the end, He fought
back? Sally Where are you from, Geoff? desperately, but the big shark pulled him down and
Alan Sunday, but I don't get back till 1 1.0o at Geoff Well, it's difficult to say really, because we down. Then suddenly the rope broke and Fox floated
night. ls any evening any good for you? moved around a lot when I was a kid. slowly to the sudace, 'Sharkl Shark!' he called.
Mary No, l'm rehearsing for my new play every Sally Oh, why was that? Other spear-fishers heard him and hurried to help
evening this week. Geoff Well, basically because my parents him. They lifted him carefully into a boat and took
Alan Well, it looks iike next week, then, But couldn't agree where to livel My father wanted him to the beach. The nearest hospital wm 60
anyway, I must go now. Bye, darling, to live abroad. He liked warm climates, you ki ometres away and during the long journey one of
Mary Bye. Don't forget you're taking the children see. But my mother preferred Britain. the spear-fishers held Fox's insides in place. At the
to the pady tonight. Sally Oh, I seel Where were you born then? hospital he needed 462 stitches, but he suruived.
Alan What? But l'm playing tennis at 7.OO. Can't Geoff I was born ln South America, in Peru, but I
you take them, Ivlary? grew up mostly in England. We left Peru when I ffi s.e
Mary No, I told you, I'm rehearsing this evening. was about four years old. lYy sister Bonnie was Three months later Fox was back ln the water. He
Alan Oh, damn. Now lcan't.,. two. starled fishinq aqain and this time he only hunted
Sally Why did you leave? sharks. He wanted revenge. But he soon stopped,
ffi z.g Geoff Well, my grandfather was ill and my mother and started to study them and photograph them
Mrs S Have you got any brothers or sisters, Gloria? didn't want to be so far away from him. So we instead. He realized that they are not dangerous
Gloria Yes, l've got a sister and a brother, went to lvlanchester, in England, animals. Dogs, bees and even pigs klll more people
Mrs S Are you the oldest? than sharks do. But sharks are in danger from
Sally I bet your mum was happy about that,
Gloria No, l'm number tvvo. lvly sister ivlarion is
Geoff Yes, but we didn't stay there very long. My people and the number of great white sharks is
the oldest, and Daniel is the youngest. falling fast. So Rodney Fox starled a campaign to
grandfather died and we went to the Far East
Mrs S Are you ali mariedT
to Singapore. protect the great white shark. Today he takes
Gloria Well, my sister and l, we're married, but
Sally And how long did you stay there? scientlsts and photoqraphers to see them.
Daniel isn't. He's still at home with my parents.
Geoff Oh, quite a long time for us nearly five
Actually, I think l've got a photograph of me ffi +.t
years. But then my dad lost his job, because his
and my family, Would you like to see lt? lf you arrive by train, our representative will meet
company closed down.
Mrs S Yes, very much. you at the station.
Sally That was unlucky,
Gloria Hmm. l'm sure l've got one somewhere. We'll co lect you from your home if you live in
Geoff Yes, it was, because we all liked it there.
Yes, here you are. This is a photo of my wedd ng. I ondon.