Page 141 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 141
l'd had a boyfriend, too. We used to go dancing. I'd he was like a new man He was pleasant and A An extra hour? l'd stay in bed onger, I hate
started work by then ln a film laboratory. I hadn't he pful, and treated Bearrande well. He also worked getting up.
heard of Margaret Thatcher, of course, was so hard on the farm. Berirande and lvlaftin now ved B l'd leave work an hour earlier each day and l'd
happily together and they soon had a daughter spend more t me wth my family. Kids grow up
surprised to hear about a womaf pr me m nlster. I
hadn't been abroad, either. hadn't been anywherel Their happy llfe did not last long, however, While so qulcky and if you aren't careful you mlss it,
l'd had a favour te pop group They were ca led T. lvlartin had been away, Sangxi had died, and because you're working all the time.
Rex. I was so sad to hear that the lead slnger had because Martln had disappeared, Pjere had C l'd get more exercise. thlnk 'd spend an hour n
died hadn't used a personal computer, of course. nherlted everything. Now that Marlln had returned, the gym each day, or swimming maybe. I'd like to
They hadn't been inventedl Pierre would have to give h m half of the inher tance be fitter, but I never find the time to do it.
€7,O00. Pletre and Marlin argued about the D 'm not sure really, L think l'd read more, I don't
El te.z money for three years. get t me to read al the thlngs that I should
'I Customer Fe to Could yo. give me sor e
Then one day Plerre received some strange
informat on about fl qht times to lstanbul, information, Someone said that he had seen Vlaftin El r+.e
please? Annette Taxil
Guerre n Flanders. The vi laqe shoemaker was also
Clerk When do you want to travel? Taxi driver Where to, mlss?
sure that Mart n's shoes were now three sizes
Customer I want to leave on 22 November Annette The Carling Hotel, piease.
smaller than before he had left. This was Pierre's
and return on December 3. Taxi driver Certainly. Have you got any uggage?
chance. He went to court and c aimed that th s new
Clerk Well, on the 22nd there's a tlight at Marl n was not the real Martin Guerre. Annette Yes, l've got th s suitcase.
1 2,25 That gets to stanbul at I 6.40 Taxi driver Rlght. 'll just see to that. Now where
At the trlal some people (inc uding Martin's four
Customer Hmm. That's a bit late. are you staying aga n, miss?
sisters) said that the new Martin was the real
Clerk Well, there's an even ng flight on the Annette The Carling Hotel in West Street.
Ivlartin, but other people sa d that he wasn't. Finally,
21st at 18.O5. lt arrives in lstanbu at 22.30. Taxi driver R ght . .. A bit grey today, isn't it?
the ludge dec ded that he really was lvlartin, But that
Customer I see. What about the return flight? Annette Pardon?
was not the end of the story,
Clerk Yes, what was the date again? Taxi driver t's a bit grey today, the weather. t's
Customer 3 December. El ts.z not very nice. You know. Dull.
Clerk There's a flight at 8 30 n the morning. !ndeed that was not the end of the story. When the Annette OL. see. \o, it sn'L ,e y rice
That arrives at 1 2,50. judge atthe tria had finaly declded that th s was Taxi driver St.ll al lcasr rl s1'T raini'g
Customer OK. We I, can book the flights on the real l4artin, a man with a wooden eg came into Annette Yes, that's true,
the 21st and the 3rd then, please? the court. lt was the real Martin Guerre. And then Taxi driver ls this your first tlme here?
Clerk Cerlainly. What name is it, please? the true story came out. Annette No This is my thlrd visit to Oxford.
2 Customer Hello. Have you got any seats When Vlartin had left the vil age, he had become a Tai driver A'e you tre," o- bus ^ess o'on
available on March 1 2 or April 5? soldier n the Spanish army. He had been sent to holiday?
Clerk Let me see, No. l'm afra d 1 2 March is fight ln Flanders. There he had met a man ca led Annette On business, l'm afraid
fu ly booked, and 5 April ls fully booked, too. Arnaud du Tiih, The two men looked very simiiar. Taxi driver How long are you staying?
Customer Oh dear. They had become fr ends and lvlartin had to d Annette Oh, lust two days.
Clerk We have some seats available on 1 0 Arnaud al about his life in Ar1lgat, Then in a batte Taxi driver Well, I hope you aren't in a hurry.
lvlay or 1 7 May. Otherw se t's lune or luly. lVartin Guerre had been wounded n the leg, Arnaud Annette No, l'm not, Why?
Customer No, well, lthink 1O IVay is OK, had thought that he would die, so he had decided Taxi driver Well, the traffic's terible Thls s only
Clerk How many seats do you need? to take Vladin's place and get his money. But then my second run today,
Customer Three. he had fal en in love with Beftrande and had Annette Oh, real y?
Clerk Well, we've got three seats in Row J . .. dec ded to stay. Taxi driver There are just too many vehicles on
3 Clerk Hello. Can I help you? Vlad n, however, hadn't d ed and later he had heard the road,
Customer Yes, 've got an appointment wth aborrt the tria. And so Marlln returned to hls home, Annette Well, lthlnk most cities are the same.
Beftrande got her lazy and bad-tempered husband Tui driver Where are you from, then?
Doctor Clark on 26 August, but l'm afraid I
can't make it, Can I change it to another date, back, Piere lost the f7,OOO And as for Arnaud? Annette l'm from Belgium
p ease? He was hanged in front of lvlartin Guerre's house. Taxi driver Oh, yes. Whereabouts?
Clerk Hmm. We l, there's nothing left n Annette Near Brussels,
E] t+.t
Auqust now. Taxi driver Oh right . .. Well, here we are. That's
OK, let's take a look at Kate's tlme og. What did she
Customer That's all right. lt's only for a check- f8.25, please, miss.
do in her morning? She arr ved at work at 9,0O.
up. Annette Here you are Keep the change,
While she was having a cup of coffee, lohn came in.
Clerk Can you come on 8 September at 3,30? Tai driver Thanks a lot, mlss.
They talked about a ry programme that they had
Customer Yes, that's fine.
watched the night before. At 9,1 5 Kate went to ffi t+.o
Clerk What name is it, please?
have a word with Fred about the meet nq the next Summertime Blues
El rs.e day, but Fred wasn't there, so she walked back to l'm a-gonna raise a fuss, l'm a-gonna raise a ho ler,
The strange story of Martin Guerre her office. About working all summer lust to try to make a
It was 538 and in the village of Aarigat in south- After she had read the morning's post, she decided dollar.
west France there was a wedding. The brlde was to start work. But Amanda phoned. She was back Every time call my baby and try to make a date,
Bertrande de Rols and the bridegroom was lvlarlin from her hoiiday, They chatted tjll 1 O.30. After the My boss says, 'No dice, son, You gotta work late.'
Guerre. They didn't love each other. The marriage coffee break, Kate started work, but the computer Sometimes I wonder what 1'm a-gonna do,
had been aranged by lvladln's father, Sangxi, in wasn't working, so she phoned the englneer, Then But there ain't no cure for the Summerlime B ues.
order to unite the two richest famllies in the village. she wa ked to the computer laboratory, but all the Wel , my mom and poppa told me, 'Son you gotta
The marriage was not a happy one. lvlaftin was a tal computers were being used, so she returned to the make some money,
and strong young man, but he was lazy and bad- office, The computer engineer had arrived. He Jf you want to use the car to go driving next Sunday,'
tempered, and he treated Bertrande very badly, expla ned the problem, Kate started typing a etter Well I didn't go to work, ltold the boss I was sick.
lvlartin had half of the family's farm. Sangxi's at twe ve o'clock. At 1 2,30 she went to unch. 'Now you can't use the car, 'cos you didn't work a
brother, Pierre, had the other half But while Plere So what has Kate achieved ln her morn ng's work? lck.'
worked hard on his part of the farm, N4artin spent all ln four hours she has rea ly only done two things: Sometimes L wonder what 1'm a-gonna do,
his tlme with his fr ends in the village. she's read the morning's post and she's typed a But there ain't no cure for the Summeftime B ues.
One day Sangxi caught his son n the barn, He was letter. Not a lot for four hoursl l'm gonna take two weeks, l'm gonna have a fine
stealing some of Pierre's produce, Sangxi was vacation
El t+.2
furious, so the next day N4artin secretly left the l'm gonna take my problem to the United Nations.
TMS consultant Now I believe that lf you use our
v lage. The family walted for news, but none came Wel called my congressman and he said, 'No.
t me management techniques, you can save yourself
Maftln Guerre had simply disappeared. Only Sangx i'd like to he p you, son, but you're too young to
at east one hour a day. But there's no point in
knew why vote.'
saving an hour, f you then waste it So what would
Then, elght years later, Martin suddenly returned. He Somet mes I wonder what l'm a-gonna do,
you do wth that extra hour?
had changed a lot while he had been away. ln fact, But there a n't no cure for the Summertime Blues.