Page 138 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 138
Harvey, the assistant manager, was speaking, my Martin Have you heard of the Lake District? Customer 2 Not for me, thanks. But I'd like a cup
secretary came in and said, 'There's a phone call lnge Oh yes. l've always wanted to go there. We of coffee.
for you.' Well, normally my secretary doesn't studied William Wordsworth's poems at school. Customer 1 And l'll have a tea, please.
interrupt meetings for phone calls. She takes a Martin Right, well we'll try the lakes on Saturday Waiter So that's one cotfee and one tea,
message, So I was surprised when she came in. then. What about .. . Customer 1 Yes, and could I have the bill, please?
Waiter Did you enjoy your meal?
'lt's your wife,' she said. 'She says it's urgent,' I
was rather worried at this. [v]y wife doesn't panic El z.s CustomeilI Yes. thal\ yo-. h was verice.
When he left school, Maimilian also started work on
emily. Could I have a receipt for the bill, please?
the fumily farm. But he soon became bored. Country
Presenter What did you do? Waiter Of course. Here you are.
life wasn't for him. And so at the age of 18 he left
David I went into the secretary's office and I CustomeilI Thank you.
the village, He's only been back three times since
picked up the phone. lVy wife answered, but
then. He went to Buenos Aires and there he got a @l s.z
immediately a man's voice came oh the line. He
said, 'We've got your wife and children here, lob on a ship that w6 sailing to the USA. On the What do your answers to the questionnaire mean?
ship he met a rich American businessman. He liked Write what you must add or subtract in the boxes.
Listen and follow my instructions and they'll be
all right.' I was shocked, but I listened to the lYaximilian and offered him a job, Maimilian learnt I lf you're a man subtract 3 years and if you're a
quickly and in the next ten years he made a lot of woman add 4 years.
instructions.'ln ten minutes' time,' he said,'a
money on Wall Street, He became a millionaire 2 lf you're between 30 and 39 years old add 2
man in a green jumper will come into your bank.
when he was only 25. Since then he has been part years; if you're between 40 and 59 add 3 years;
Give him all the money from the safe, When he
telephones me, we'll release your family.'And of the international jet set. He's had three wives. between 50 and 69 add 4 years.
then he put the phone down. When he was 30 he married a beautiful model, but 3/4 Towns and cities are unhealthy places, If you
Presenter What did you do? she died two years later in a car crash. His second iive in a large town or city take off 2 years, but if
David Well, I just did as he said. I had no choice. and third marriaqes both ended in divorce. For the you live in a village or in the country, add 2 years.
It was very worrying at the time, but everyone last ten years he has lived alone in his luxury villa in 5/6 Married people live longer, Take off three
was all right in the end, The police found some the Bahamas. His family life has not been happy. years if you live on your own, but you can add 5
Two yeare ago his son went to prison. One of his years if you live with a partner.
of the money, but they never caught the men,
two daughters has become a drug addict. He's been 7/8 Education is good for you. Add 1 year for a
ffi z.z on television several times and the newspapers have university degree and another 2 years for a
Martin Hello, lnge Lindstrom? followed his life closely, For the whole of his life he postgraduate qualifi cation.
lnge Yes. has loved to travel. He's visjted almost every 9 lf you sit down most of the day, subtract 3 years.
Martin l'm Martin Clay, l'm sorry l'm a bit late. country in the wodd. 'Yes, I've made a lot of money. I O Add 2 years if you exercise for at least 20-30
Have you been he'e long? l've been everywhere and l've done eveMhing, But minutes3timesaweek.
lnge No, just a few minutes, The piane was early. has it mademe happy? Not really, Now look at my 'I I lf you spend more than 1 O hours a day asleep,
Martin Did you have a good flight? brother, Emilio, For seventy years his life hasn't take off 4 years.
lnge Yes, it was fine, thanks, changed at all. But he's happy, Yes, Emilio is a 1 2 lf you're happy add a year. lf you're unhappy
Martin Well, l've parked in the multi-storey, so we happy man,' subtract 2 years.
need to take the lift over there. Here, let me take I 3 lf you're relaxed add three years. Subtract three
ffi e.s
your suitcase. years if you're quick-tempered and aggressive,
lnge Thank you. Waiter Good afternoon, l4 Don't smoke if you want a long life, Subtract 3
CustomeilI Have you got a table for two, please?
Martin Have you ever been to Manchester before? years for up to 1 0 cigarettes a day, 4 years for 1 0
lnge No, l've been to London, but this is my first Waiter This way, please, to 20, 6 years for up to 40 and 8 years for more
Waiter The menu.
visit to the norlh of England. than 40. lf you're a non-smoker, but you live with a
Martin So you haven't seen the real England yet? Customer I Thank you, smoker, take off I year.
lnge 'The real England'? Oh, no, I haven't, just Waiter The soup of the day is leek and potato. 1 5 Three glasses of wine or beer a day are OK for
Would you like an aperitif while you're deciding?
London, men, 2 are OK for women. lf you drink more than
Customer 1 Yes, please A mineral water for me.
Martin When were you in London? this, take off a year.
Waiter Still or sparkling?
Inge About three years ago now. 16 Ovemeight? lf you're up to 15 kilos too heavy
Customer 1 Sparkling, please.
Martin Was that on business? subtract 2 years, 1 6-25 kilos take off 4 years.
Customer 2 And l'll have a gin and tonic, please. '17
lnge No, it was a holiday. Long life runs in families, Add 2 years for each
Waiter Thank you.
Martin Oh, I see, Now, have you eaten? grandparent over 80 years old now or when they
Waiter A mineral water and a gin and tonic. Are
Inge I had something on the plane, but it wasn't died,
you ready to order?
very good, so I didn't eat much, l8 Some diseases are hereditary, too. Take off
Customer 2 Yes, Could I have the melon and the
Martin OK, well l've booked you into the Park three years if anyone in your close family (brothers,
halibut, please?
Hotel. So l'll drop you there. Then l'll come back sisters, parents, grandparents) has or had heaar
Waiter Would you like salad or vegetables,
in about half an hour and we can go for a meal. rrouble. Take o{ anotl-er year rf aryone r yo-r
French frjes or a jacket potato with the halibut?
lnge That sounds fine. Thank you, family died under the age of 50,
Customer 2 Salad and a.jacket potato, please.
To calculate your life expectancy, start with an
Martin ls everything OK wlth your room? Customer I And l'll have the soup followed by
average age ol 72 years. Then add or subtract the
lnge Yes, thank you. the lamb chops. And l'd like that with salad and
Martin OK, well, now what about something to French fries, please.
eat? Have you ever tried lndian food? Waiter Thank you. Would you like wine with the ffi s.t
lnge No, I haven't, meal? How honest are you? This is what our psychologist
Martin Well it's very hot, you know, spicy, Do you Customer 1 Yes, couid we have a bottle of says about the answers,
Iike hot food? house red, please? Question l: What would you do if you found some
lnge l'm not sure, but l'll give it a try .., Waiter Thank you. money? Give yourself two points for b: l'd toke it to
Martin Good. There's a new lndian restaurant Waiter The halibut? a police stdtion and one point for c.
near here, I tried it a couple of weeks ago and Customer 2 Yes. That's for me, please, Question 2: lf somebody tried to sell you a stolen
it's very good. lt's called the Bombay. Waiter And the Iamb chops. Enjoy your meal. video recorder, would you buy it? Give yourself two
Customer 1 Thank you. points for c and one point for a,
Martin How was the meal?
CustomeilI How's the halibut? Question 3: lf your friend tried to steal something
lnge Delicious. But you were right, lt w6 very hot.
Customer 2 Fine. What about your lamb? from a shop, what would you do? Two points for c
Martin Well, not too hot, I hope. Erm, have you
Customer l Delicious, and one for b.
seen the programme for your visit?
Waiter ls ever).thing all right? Question 4: lf you couldn't afford your car
lnge Yes, I received a copy last week, but I've left
Customer 1 Yes, thank you. Could we have two insurance, what would you do? Give yourself two
it at the hotel,
Martin -lhat's OK. l've got another one here. I more glasses of mineral water, please? points for a: the cor would stay in the goroge until I
Waiter Certainly, right away. had enough money. And one point fot c: I wouldn't
haven't planned anlthing for the weekend yet.
Waiter Would you like any dessert? drive it except in an emergency.
What would you like to do?
CustomerI Well, I'm full, What about vou?
lnge I haven't really thought about it.