Page 136 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 136
You'll have some tlme to relax if you're tired after States today for a week, so l'll drop you a line And I never got down to Cyprus or North Africa that
the journey, before I go, And l'll be in touch when I get back. winter. Oh well, you live and learn. lt's not an easy
lf you enjoy the show, we'll give you two free Bye, llfe in prison. But it's warm in winter, and the food's
tickets for your friends. Son Yo, Dad. l'm going out now and then we're not bad, And l'm meeting some interesting peopLe,
lf you want to meet the stars of the show, we'll going to a party tonight. So I don't know when There's a man from Georgla Boris, his name is, He
take you backstage, l'll be back. (Hey, stop it, look l'm talking io my comes from a place by the Black Sea. He's a great
Our limousine will take you for a city tour if you dad here.) Sorry about that, Dad, Anpvay, look, guy, When we get out of here, he and I are going
want to see London by night. l'm just ringing to say, will lt be all right lf I take down to Australia , ,, Brisbane perhaps, or Sydney.
We'll take you back to the hotel lf you don't want to the car? Thanks, Dad. Get a job on a ship, start a new life. Yeah, next year
go to a nightclub. will be OK.
El +.e
lf you like dancing, you'll really enjoy the nightclub.
lf you have children, we'll arrange a nanny to look Part 1 E s.t
after them. The train crossed into Bulgaria at two o'clock jn the 1 Lead is heavier than iron, but gold is the
lf you want to do some shopping, you'll have time morning. Then it stopped and suddenly there were a heaviest.
to go to the shops on Saturday lot of policemen on the traln. 2 The Earth ls further from the Sun than Venus,
'What's happening?' I said in ltalian to the old man but Mars is the furthest,
El +.2 next to me. 3 Chrlstianity is an older rellgion than lslam, but
-on endings -lsh endings 'l don't know,' he said, Buddhism is the oldest,
America American England English Then two policemen came into our carriage, a tall 4 Canada is bigger than China, but Russla is the
Hungary Hungarian Turkey Turkish thin one and a short fat one, They looked at biggest,
Germany German Scotland Scottish everybody carefully ... and then they looked at me 5 A jet engine is more powedul than a diesel
Italy ltallan lreland lrish again. engine, but a rocket engine is the most
Argentina Argentinian Poland Pollsh 'Come with us, please,'the fat policeman said in powerful,
Belgium Belgian Denmark Danlsh English. 6 Rio de laneiro is closer to the equator than
Morocco Moroccan Spain Spanish 'What? Me?' I said. 'Why? What's the matter?' Cairo, but Singapore is the closest.
Russia Russ an 'ls this your bag?' the tall policeman asked,
Nomay Nomegian I began to ask a question, but policemen never like ffi s.z
Egypt Egyptian questions from young men, So I stayed quiet and 1 Which is the highest mountain in the world?
Austria Austrian went with them. Mount Everest
Brazil Brazilian ln the station building there were a lot more 2 Which is the biggest island in the world?
Mexico lvlexican policemen, and some people from the train. They Greenlond
Korea Korean were a1l young people, I saw, Some were afraid, 3 Which elephant has bigger ears, the African or
the lndian elephant? the Africon
-ese endings -i endings some were bored. The police looked in everybody's 4 Which country has the argest population in
Japan Japanese lraq lraqi bags, and then the people went back to the train. the world? Chlna
Portugal Poriuguese lsrael lsraeli My two policemen took me to a tab e. 'Your 5 Which animal is faster, a cheetah or a lion?
Chlna Chinese Paklstan Pakistani passport, please,' the fat pollceman said, 'and open o cheetah
your bag.'
lrregular They looked at my passport and began to ook 6 Which is the most ancient monument in the
wor)d? the Pyromids
France French through my bag,
7 Which is the most intelligent animal in the
the Netherlands Dutch 'Ahal' the tall policeman said suddenly. All my dirty
wor)d? Aport from human beings, the
Thailand Thai shirts and clothes were out on the table,
chimponzee, but whales, dolphins ond orong-
Greece Greek
Paft 2 utans are also very intelligent.
El 4.3 The policeman picked up my bag and turned it over,
El s.s
Hello, Waterman lnternational. Mr Waterman's office, Onto the table, out of my bag, fell packet after
Who are the best drivers? Whlch drivers are the
l'm afraid there's nobody in the office at the moment, packet of American dollars. Nice, new dollars. Fifty
safest on the roads? According to a recent suruey,
but if you leave your name and number, lVr Waterman dollar notes in big packets. A lot of money.
young and inexperienced drivers are the most likely
will get back to you as soon m possible. Please lvly mouth opened, and stayed open.
to have an accident, Older drivers are more careful,
speak after the tone. Thank you. '50,000 ... 10O,OOO ... 1 5O,OOO ... there's
Gender makes a difference, too. Young men have
Peter Oh, hi, Jack, Thls is Peter here. Look, l'm 2OO,O00 dollars here,'the tall policeman said. 'What
the worst accident records of all, They are generally
phoning about the results of that Dutch project. an interesting bag, Mr Tom Walsh.'
more aggressive than older drivers. They also
They look interesting, Anyway, l'll put them in 'But it's not my bagl'l shouted.
choose faster cars with blgger engines, One of the
the post. OK? Bye. There was a big happy smile on that policeman's
most lnteresting facts in the survey is that
Wife Hello, darling. l'm afraid I'm still in France. face. 'WelL,' he said, 'it's got your name on it. Lookl'
passengers have an etfect on the driver. When
lvly meeting is taking longer than I expected. I So I looked, and of course there was my name, and
young male drivers have thelr friends in the car,
probably won't be back till tomorrow, But l'm yes, of course it was my bag, So how did 200,000
their drivlng becomes worse. When their wife or
sure you'll be OK without me for just one more American dollars get into my bag?
girlfriend is in the car, however, thelr driving is
night, Anyway, l'll give you a ring thls evening. 'You cannot bring US dollars into the country,'the
better, But the opposite is true for women. Their
Will you be in? l'll try about bedtime, Bye, fat policeman said.
driving is more dangerous when their husband or
Sarah Jones Hello, Mr Waterman. This is Sarah 'But I didn't bring them,' I said quickly. 'They're not
boyfriend is in the carl
.lones. l'm afraid l'm stuck in a traffic jam on the my dollars, I never saw them before in my life, and '
M25, so I probably won't be there til about half There was a lot of noise in the station, I looked out El s.+
past two. I hope that won't be too late. l'll give of the window and saw my train. Slowly, it began to Assistant Can I help you?
you the number of my mobile in case you want move. Customer Yes, how much are these T-shifts?
to call me back. lt's 0860 63927A. Thank you. 'Heyl' I shouted, 'that's my train ' Assistant They re f1 2.50 each.
Goodbye, The tall policeman laughed. Customer I like this one, but it lsn't big enough,
Dennis lack? Dennls. l'm just returning your call. 'Oh no,' he said. 'You're not getting back on that Have you got it in a larger size?
1'm working at home this afternoon, so can you train, You're staying here with us, in our beautiful Assistant lust a minute. No, l'm sorry, we haven't.
phone me there? That's 577 9a9a. country,' he smiled, happily. What about the black one?
Mother Oh, er lack, dear. Oh, it's your mother, Customer No, lt's too dark, l'd prefer something
Part 3
erm er l, oh, I hate these silly machines, l, oh it lighter.
So I never got to Sofia on Saturday, I was very
doesn't matter. Assistant How about this blue one?
unhappy about that. I wanted to have a little talk
Teresa Hello, Jack. This is Teresa. I just wanted to Customer Yes, that's nice. I'll take lt.
with Melanie and Carol, ask them one or two
talk to you about the new advets, As you're not Assistant Any,thing else?
questions, you know. You're a nice guy, Tom. See
there, I'll have a chat with the agency this Customer No, that's all, thank you.
morning, Should be interesting. l'm off to the you in Sofio, OK?.Toke you to the best restourant in Assistant Tra-s fI2 50 rhe', please.
towr, Yeah, Great.
Customer Here you are.