Page 114 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 114


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             Do you think you are efficient or
             do you waste time?
          a  Read  the text and answer  these
                                                    'Wasting  time is like wasting  telephone  numbers, Ioohing fot
             I  What  is the text about?
                                                    money.'  This is the slogan of  pieces of paper  on their deshs,  and
             2  Who  is Sam Flowers?
                                                    Time Management  Systems.   walking from one part of a building
             I  What  is the result of wasting time?
                                                                                to another.  These  can r.vaste  hours
             4  What  do you do with a time log?                                of yout day. Then  you haven't got
             5  Why do people  use them?                                        time fcrr the impottant things.  This
          b  Think about your own life. Do you                                  applies to both yout professional
                                                                                and yout petsonal  life.'
             agree with Sam Flowers?
                                                                                The fir*r.rep rowards managing
          2  Irnagine a typical day in your life.                               rour rime berrer is keeping  a rimc
                                                                                1og. In  a time 1og vou tecotd
          a  Make a time log for it. (See 3b for an
                                                                                everything that you do during the
             example.)                                                          day. Then you calculate how much
          b  Discuss  your time log with a partner.                             time you sperit ofl each thing  -
                                                                                travel[ing.  relephonins. earing,
             What  differences  and similarities  are
                                                                                chatting, washing,  writing letters,
                                                                                etc. '\When  they do a time log',  says
          3  Where did the morning go?              'Most  people,' says  Sam Flowers of  Sam Flowers, 'most people are
                                                    TMS,  'wa'Le  roo much time on  amazed at how much time  they
          a  Look at the photographs.  What  is     doing rrrr ial thing. lrke finding  waste.'
             I(ate doing in each one?

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