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      You must not  circulate  this book in any other binding or cover  'The  Gretna Grapple' by  John  Woodcock  and 'Together  at last, couple
      and you  must impose  this  same condition on any acquirer  dogged  by a pet hatred'byJames  Gry11s,  The Daily  Mail @ The Daiiy
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      Oxford University  Press  disclaims any responsibility  for the content  Cerrrllo @ Focus; p 35 Extract  llom  'r'441ites  will soon be a minority  race in
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      ISBN-13:  978  o 19  4338oo 4                        Syndications by permission;  p 51 Adapted f,'om blochure  'Inspirations
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      ACI(NOWIN  DGEMENTS                                  Pou1ter, The  Daily  Maii @ The Daily Mail/Solo  Syndications by permission;
      The  author  would especially like to record his  $atitude  to his wife, Eunice,  p 82 Reproduced  from'Burn  offthat  excess baggage'  @ Lindsay Nicholson/
      and his children, without  whose support  and patience Lifeiines  would not  The Daily Telegraph  p1c, London,  1991; p 83 Extract  from'The e349
      have been written.  The author  would also like to thank all those at Oxford  Housewife'by  Sean  Poulter,  The  Daily  MaiI  @ The Daily  Mail/Solo
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      Ihe pubhsher  and author are very grateful  to the  following  teachers and  institutions  S5,ndications  by permission;  p 91 Extlact from 'How I was floored  by the
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      feedback  on the coarse: Etienne Andr6  and Yolaine  Sebaoun  (CCI  Nice, France),  from 'Slapping  Dallas  Gloss on an Outdoor  Girl' by Ll.ndia  Lee-Potter;  p 102
      Nicolo Arcadipane,  Freda  Mi11er,  Judy  Edwards and  Barbara  Ann Nutt  'The New Gold Rush' by Paul  Harris;  p 104  'The Forgotten  Years'  by  Jmes
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