Page 116 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 116
14 Work
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We can form abstract nouns from Look at the title and photographs. Discuss these questions.
many adjectives. This table shows I Why do war correspondents do their job?
sorne of the comrnon noun endings. 2 Is it a necessary job? Why are people interested in war news?
I What does the titie say about them and their job?
adjective noun ending 4 Would you like to do it? Why/Why not?
sad sadness +NCSS
2 Read the article.
a Which correspondents are mentioned?
b These statements are similar to what the correspondents say in the
ril* .il""* nt > nce article. Write the correspondent's initials next to each statement.
I War reporters are a very exclusive group of people.
2 _ Sometimes when it's really dangerous I wonder why I do it.
brave bravery +y 3 _You can't really show what's happening if you don't take
some risks.
4 _ Every reporter wants to be a Ioreign correspondent.
5 _ All war reporters are a bit crazy.
6 _ I olten promise that I'11 stop, br.rt I know that I won't.
strong strength +th
7 _ I always carry a good luck message lrom my wife.
8 _ The danger oI war is exciting.
dangerous danger no ending 9 _ I feel very proud that I can see important world events as
they happen.
c Explain how you matched the statements and correspondents.
d Find all the words in the text associated with war and the media.
3 Answer these questions.
I Which war is used to illustrate the dangers oI the job?
2 Which other wars are mentioned?
1 I-ook at this list of adjectives. I Which of the correspondents do you think is the oldest? Why?
happy impqrtan! ,'.6e6".t :,warm, 4 What happened to Martin Bell?
careful lqog lucky differtent 5 Which two news organizations are mentloned?
difficult safe ,. selfish ' respecled 6 What do none of the correspondents believe?
thrilling private successful mad 4 Do excitement and danger always go together? Can you
thinl< of other jobs that are exciting but not dangerous, or
a Usc a dictionary. Complete the chart dangerous but not exciting?
with the adjectives and their nouns.
5 Work in groups. Write an article about another job and
b Which nouns have a spelling change, why people do it. The article can be serious or humorous,
or add an extra letter? about a real or an imaginary job.
2 Choose nouns from the chart to a First make nolcs ()n
complete these sentences. Discuss . a typical activity in the job.
your choices with a partner. e the problems or difficulties of the job.
. whY people do it.
is more important
r what qualities people need to do it.
Write your article, using this format:
is important lor
Paragraph I You're .., You're going /o ... (Set the scene of
in a relationship
someone about to do the,job.)
is important for
in a job. Paragraph 2 That's all in a day's work for a ... (Say what the job
is and give the problems and difflculties of it.)
4 A thing that I dislike in people is
Paragraph 3 So why do people do it? \Give quotes from people
about why they do the job.)
5 Important qualities in a person are
Paragraph 4 Could you be a ... ? (Give the qualities you need for
and the job.)