Page 218 - Bào chế
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Tiêng Việt:
1. Bộ Y tế (2009), Dược điển Việt Nam, xuất bản lần thứ 4.
2. Võ Xuân Minh, Phạm Ngọc Bùng (2006), Kỹ thuật bào chế và sinh dược
học các dạng thuốc tập 1,2 dùng cho hệ đào tạo dược sĩ đại học, Nhà
xuất bản Y học.
Tiếng Anh :
1. Aulton E.M.,(2010), Pharmaceutics: The Science of Dosage frorm Design
second edition, Churchill Livingstone.
2. Banker G.S. and Rhodes C.J., (1996), Modern Pharmaceutics, Second
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3. Becher P, (1985), Emulsions. Theory and Practice. New York.
4. British Pharmacopoeia, 2011.
5. Florence A.T., Attwood D., (1990), Physicochemical Principles of
Pharmacy, Macmillan press.
6. Indra K.Reddy, (1996), Ocular Therapeutics and Drug Delivery: A Multi-
disciplinary Approach, Lancaster- Base.
7. Kenneth E. Avis, et al., (1996), The Theory and Pharmaceutical Dosage
Forms, volume 2, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
8. Lawrence A. Trissel (1996), Handbook on injectable Drug Ninth edition,
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
9. Lachman L., Lieberman. A.H., Kanig J.K. (1996), The theory and
Practice of Industrial Pharmacy, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York.
10. Martin A., (1993), Physical Pharmacy, Fourth Edition, Lea& Febiger.
11. Philip S. (1997), Emulsion Science, Academic Press.
12. Salvatore Turco and Robert E.King (1987), Sterile Dosage Forms Their
Preparation and Clinical Application, Third edition, Lea & Febiger.
13. The United States Pharmarcopoeia 32, 2009.
14. Winfield A.J., Richards R.M.E. (1998), Pharmacentical Practice.,
Churchill Livingstone.