Page 123 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 123
Reflecting on Learning
But there are some exceptions. What are the plurals I Try not to use a dictionary immediately.
of these words, and how are they pronounced? 2 Try to get the general meaning of the text flrst.
fly, watch, knife, tomato, foot, key, man, glass, woman, 3 Try one of these strategies.
child, mouse, brush o Ignore the word. Some words aren't
F Check in Grammar Reference 2.2. important to the meaning.
d Nouns can be replaced by pronouns. Change the r Try to work out the meaning of the word
repeated noun in the second sentence into a from the context.
pronoun. o Guess the meaning and continue reading.
Where's the cat? I can't find the cat. b at the end of the reading, Iook back at the unknown
Unlike nouns, some pronouns change their form words and check them in a dictionary. Did the
depending on whether they are a subject or an strategies work?
obiect. Complete this list.
Subject pronouns Object pronouns Pair and group work
In this course you often work in pairs or groups. What
You do you think about working in this way?
He Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of pair
She and group work.
It Discuss your ideas with other members of the class.
Ways of learning
You have worked in many different ways so far in the
course. Which ways do you prefer?
Verbs ? Look at this list.
a grammar exercises . reading comprehension
A sentence must have a verb. AII verbs must have a
o roleplays .
subject, except for imperatives. pronunciation practice
€l These sentences illustrate different types of verb in o discussions . writing exercises
English. Match the sentences to the correct o dictionary work . group work
grammatical term. r learning words o Iistening
o pairwork . games
I sleep for eighr hours a night. I a modal verb b Complete the table, putting items in each coiumn.
Go to bed! | an auxiliary verb
Doyou like paella? | a phrasal verb I like
I saw her yesLerday. I a transitive verb
We should go. I an intransitive verb I don't like
John picked up the book. an imperative
most useful
b Give one more example of each item.
c How are the grammatical terms written in the
dictionary? least useful
C Discuss your ideas with the class. What do your
Correction cholces tell you about your learning style?
Discuss these questions.
I Do you like it when your teacher corrects your
mistakes The verb to have
o when you are talking? The verb to have has different uses.
o in your written work? a Match the uses to the correct examples.
2 Does correction help you? Why/Why not?
IJses Examples
3 What do you do with the corrections?
4 What kind oi correction do you flnd a main verb She's got fair hair.
helpful/unhelpful? an auxiliary verb We have lunch at 1.00.
wilh got to show possession I've been to London.
Dealing with unknown words b For each, how we do form
r positive statements? r questions?
a As you read, you will often meet an unknown word.
a negative statements? r short answers?
What shoutd you do?