Page 122 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 122


          Reflecting on Learning

          Your aims                                          Using dictionaries
          What do you want to achieve in this course?        A good dictionary  is a great help in studying a language,
          a  Think about these things.                       especially  outside  the class. It can help you with
             e  Why are you studying English?                meaning, spelling,  grammar and pronunciation.  At pre-
             e  What things  do you need or want to do in English?  intermediate  level you can use a bilingual dictionary  or
          b  took at this list.                              an English-English  dictionary,  like the Oxford  Elementary
             r  Listening        r  Pronunciation            Learner's  Dictionary.
             r  Speaking         r  Grammar
                                                             Look at this extract lrom the Oxford  Pocket Spanish
             r  Reading          r  Vocabulary               Dictionary.
             r  Writing
          What do you think you can do well in English?      pronunciation  part oI speech     translation
          What  do you flnd difflcult?                                      (z=noun,  yt/yi=verb,
          Discuss with your partner,  and then with the class.              a=adiective,  etc.)

                                                                hcruse /haos/ a i  (pl  -s  /'haazlzl)  1 caia 2 (Teat)  sala de
          Recording  vocabulary                                 especteculos:  There  was a  full  house. Se llen6  aI completo.
                                                                Loc on the house  cofiesia  casa Ver tb rr,ovr. ) lhaaz/
          A useful way to record  vocabulary is to make your  own  vt a)ojar,falbergar
                                                             expressions and phrases      example  sentences
          a  Look at the example  from  a German  student's
             notebook. What kind of inlormation does he include?  It is a good idea to use a dictionary  which has this
                                                             information, and which uses the IPA to show
           :      Unitl  zoth September                      pronunciation.

                  cupboard  (n) /'klbadi:  9chrank
                                                             Making mistakes
                  armahair (n) /'orm{ee/:  Seeeel  -  ait in an  Mistakes  are a natural  part of iearning  a language.
                                          armchair           We make  mistakes  for several reasons. Here are some
                  !,o chat (v) lffrtl:  plaudern             .  It's dif{erent from your  language.
                  a ahat (n)  - lo have a chat,              .  It's similar to your  language but not exactly  the same
                                                  ='..       o  You don't understand the rule.
                                                             .  It's an exception to the rule.
            You can organize your  vocabulary  records in diflerent
                                                             o  You don't know, so you guess.
            ways. Which  of these do you think  are useful? Why?  Look at your  work in this unit. Find flve mistakes that
          a  by parts of speech (nouns, verbs, etc.)
                                                             you made. Why did you make them? Discuss  your ideas
          a  alphabetically
                                                             with other members  of the class.
          a in word  {amilies
          a in the order that they are in the book
          a  by situation (e.g.  at the shops)               Nouns
          a  by topic (e.g.  clothes,  money)
                                                             a  This is the normal  pattern  of a sentence in English:
                              ,   ,  ,,,l:,1   -.                subject      verb   object
          Parts of speech
                                                                 Jane         likes  films.
         It can be useful to know the parts of speech.  They can
                                                                 My sister Jone  loves  old, black ond white films.
         help you to use a dictionary  and a grammar book more
         easily.                                                The subject and object  are normally nouns or noun
         o  These  are the main parts  of speech.               phrases.
                                                                Nouns often have an article. There  are two kinds of
            conjunction  ve;b  adjective  pronoun               article.
                                                                Deflnite  article  the
               Whin John siis in his nrl, ,rr, hi smites happily
                           \\t                                  Indeflnite article  a/an,  some/any
                        preposition noun adverb                 Nouns  have two forms  singular and plural. To
                                                                make  plurals we usually add  -s.
         b  find examples  oi each of these parts  of speech  in this  Exnupr,r
            sentence.                                           dog    dogs
            Sally's young son cut his hand badly, so she  took him  to
            the hospital.

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