Page 5 - Giáo trình môn học Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành
P. 5
Can you guess how these words are used in the text?
Large burn allergic reaction
Mental confusion lukewarm drinks
1 Shock is a life-threatening condition that develops when the body’s blood pressure drops
dangerously low. It can result from great pain, a large burn, losing a lot of blood, severe illnesses,
dehydration, or severe allergic reaction.
Signs of SHOCK:
5 - Weak, rapid pulse (more than 100 per minute)
- ‘Cold sweat’, pale, cold, damp skin
- Mental confusion, weakness, or loss of consciousness.
What to do to prevent or treat shock:
At the first sign of shock; or if there is risk of shock....
10 - Have the person lie down with his feet higher than his head. However, if he has a severe head
injury put him in a “ half-sitting” position.
- If the person feels cold, cover him with a blanket.
- If he is conscious, give him warm water or other lukewarm drinks.
- If he is in pain, give him aspirin or another pain medicine.
15 - Keep calm and reassure the person.
If the person is unconscious:
- Lay him on his side with his head low, tilted back and to one side . If he seems to be choking, put
his tongue forward with your finger.
- If he has vomited, clear his mouth immediately. Be sure his head is low, tilted back, and to one
20 side so he does not breathe vomit into his lungs.
- Do not give him anything by mouth until he becomes conscious.
- If you or someone nearby knows how, give intravenous solution (normal saline) at a fast drip.
- Seek medical help fast.
Studying how words are formed
Line 1 - l life-threatening Line 15 - reassure
Line 3 - reaction Line 22 - nearby
Line 11- half sitting
Identifying word types
Line 13 - lukewarm drinks Line 17 - tilted
Line 15 - keep Line 17 - choking
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