Page 15 - Giáo trình môn học Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành
P. 15

6. I start at 7 a.m. – And the early shift?
                7. I usually finish at 12 o’clock. – And Jane?
                8. I usually study hard. – And Peter?
                9. I attend lectures everyday. – And John?
                10. I want to pass the State Finals. – And Jane?

                11. I have to go home now. – And Mary?
                12. I work in the x- ray department. – And Sister Smith?

            Drill 2:  Question with do and does

                Ask if Jane works in a surgical ward.          Does Jane work in a surgical ward?

                Ask if buses stop outside the gate.            Do buses stop outside the gate?
                1. Ask if Jane goes on duty at 7 a.m.

                2. Ask if they come off duty at 3 p.m.
                3. Ask if the patients often help the staff nurse.
                4. Ask if she usually does split shifts.
                5. Ask if he always goes to work by bus.
                6. Ask if buses stop outside the hospital.
                7. Ask if Jane works in the out – patients’ department.

                8. Ask if the nurse attends lectures.

            Drill 3: Ask the patient

            Ask the patients about his eyes.                   Do your eyes hurt?
            Ask the patients about his head.                   Does your head hurt?

            Ask the patient about his

                1. back           4. left arm           7 stomach            10. finger
                2. foot           5. right thigh        8. toes
                3. ears           6. heels              9. chest

            Drill 4:   Answer the question

             1. Do your ears ache?              No.            No. they don’t
             2. Do your elbows hurt?            Yes.           Yes, they do
             3. Does your stomach ache?         Yes.

             4. Does your chest hurt?           Yes
             5. Does your back ache?            No.
             6. Does your ear hurt?             No.
             7. Does your leg ache?             Yes.
             8. Does your eye ache?             No.
             9. Does it hurt here?              Yes.
             10. Does it hurt there?            No.

             11. Do your shoulders ache?        Yes.
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