Page 41 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 41

The future 4

                                                                          4  ffi  a.s Listen.  You will hear the rest
                                                                             oI the story in three parts. After each
                                                                             part say
                                                                             r  what happened.
                                                                             r  what will happen.
                                                                          5  Discuss  these questions.
                                                                             I  How  can you explain the girls'
                                                                                actions in the train now that you
        because I  didn't know the                                              know the end of the story?
        country. They knew  Sofia                                            2  Is there a moral to the story?
        weIl, they said.
          'Hey,  Carol,' Melanie said.
        '\We're  staying in  Bela                                            Vocabulary  file: Transport
        Palanka for a day or two. But                                        a  Find all the words in the story  that
        let's go over to Sofia this                                             are associated  with  railways.
        weekend and meet Tom
                                                                             b  Make a similar  list for another form
        rhere. $/e can meet him on
                                                                                of transport.
        Saturday night at the Hotel
          'Greatl' I  said.'Let's  do
                                                                          6  Tom writes a letter to his mother
          The train got to Belgrade                                          from Bulgaria to tell her what
        at six o'clock in the evening,                                       happened. Write his letter.
        and a lot of people got off.                                         Start like this:
        There were oniy me and the
        girls in the carriage then.                                                             Bulgaria,     I
        The guard came, checked  our
                                                                                                21st November  ?.
        t ickets. and wenr  away again.                                                                       I
          Carol looked at Meianie.  'Hey,  MeL,' she said.  '}(/hy  don't you
        and Tom go along to the restaurant  car? I'm not hungry,  and I want  Dear Mum,                       ?
        to sleep for an hour.'                                               l'm afraid l've got eome bad news  , t
          'Er  . .. Food's very expensive on the train,' i said.  'I  haven't got  for you.                   :
        much money  just now. I'm going to get a job in Sofia.'            €'*e-e8      +q.'.-ad           *;  ?:
          'Oh  Tom!'Melanie  said.  '\7hy  didn't  you tell us7 Look, you're a
        nice guy, right? \fe're OK for money this week. \(e can buy you a
        meal.'                                                               Describe these things:
          \fhat could I say? I was hungry. They had money, I didn't. So      .  Why were you on the train?
        Meianie and I went to the restautafit  cat and had a mea1.   we      r  How did you meet the girls?
        came back, Carol was still alone in the compartment.                 r  How  do you think they tricked
          'Why  are you getting off at Bela Palanka?' I asked.  ''il7hat  are  you?
        you going to do there?'                                              r  What  did you arrange  with them?
          Melanie  smiied.  'Find  a cheap hotel, meet people, take a look   .  What happened  after the girls got
                                                                                off the train?
        around  the town ... you know.'
                                                                             r  Where are yoil now?
          'But  there's nothing therel'
                                                                             r  What will you do?
          'Oh  wei1, you never  know,' Melanie laughed.  Sl-ie put her feet on
                                                                             Try to reassure  your mother  that you
        the seat afld went to sleep.
          A few hours  later the train came into Bela Palanka  station and   are all right. Ask her to send you some
        stopped. The two girls got off and stood on the platform.  They      things.
        smiled at me through the window.
          'See  yc,ru in Sofia, OK7 The Hotel Marmara   -   eight o'clock,'
        Carol said"'ti7e'11 take you to the best restaurant  in town.'
          Then they picked up their bags and walked  away. Nice girls.
        \7e'11 have a grear time in Sofia, I thought.

                                            (Adapted  from  a story by Jennifer  Bdssett)
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