Page 15 - Lifelines Pre-intermediate.Student's book
P. 15

Everyday life I

           3 Look at tapescript 1.4.
                                                                          m              @
           a  Practise  the conversations  with a partner.                HTffiffi L{ MCE&KHffitrT
           b  Mal<e more conversations  to
              .  reserve a restaurant table.                              The IPA
              r  book a taxi.
              o  give someone  a wake-up  caIl.                           The International Phonetic  Alphabet
              o  flnd out the departure and arrival  times  o{ a train.   (IPA) consists of symbois that show
              r  make  an appointment  at the dentist's.                  sounds.  These  can help you with
              r  ask when a TV programme starts and finishes.             pronunciation. Often English spelling  and
                                                                          English  pronunciation are not the same.
                                                                          This is why learning the sound symbols
                                                                          can be very useful lor students  oI English.
                                                                          There is a chart oI the IPA symbols  on the
                                                                          inside  back cover.

                                                                          I  Vowels
                                                                          a  Say these words and look at the
                                                                             spelling.  What do you notice?
                                                                             bed    lel
                                                                             head  lel
                                                                             any    lel
                                                                             These  words have diffirent vowel
                                                                             spellings but the same vowel sound.
                                                                             Now say these words and look at the
                                                                             head  lel
                                                                             tea    li:l
                                                                             hear   lrel
                                                                             These words have the same vowel
                                                                             spelling bu different  vowel  sounds.
                                                                             Look at the IPA chart and study  the
                                                                             vowel  symbols.

                                                                          2  Consonants
                                                                          a  Most of the phonetic  symbols for
                                                                             consonants  are the same  as the letters
                                                                             big  tbqt
                                                                             red  lredl
                                                                             But some consonant sounds have
                                                                             special  symbols.
                                                                             lSl  shoe       l1l  measure
                                                                             l{l  chair      /fi/  just
                                                                             l0l  thing      16l with
                                                                             l\l  song       t:l  yes
                                                                             Say these words.
                                                                             l6i:zl     h$l         I  [i:l
                                                                             /0qk/      /srg/       ljrcl
                                                                             I'plqel    lbrt$l      lwarl

                                                                             Look at the IPA chart and study  the
                                                                             consonant symbols.
                                                                             You will practise the IPA symbols in
                                                                             this course.

                      'Rernind me  -  am I getting  up or going  to bed?'
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